
I get what you’re saying and in some instances I agree, however...if the statement they were intending to make was about the vulnerability of the human body (and again, I see that), it certainly comes across more as a statement about the vulnerability of the female body, considering that most of the bodies we see are

Most of it fits into the context of the story pretty well. Arguably there’s no reason for there to be this sheer quantity of female nudity, though, context or not. I liked the movie but as I was watching it, I was a bit shocked by just how much skin we were seeing. Just in terms of quantity, it’s a bit overwhelming,

If you didn’t like the original you’d probably find this movie painfully boring.

If you want to find a lost baby obvs you need to set out lots of tits as bait.

I don’t believe it is. I’ve added it all up in my head. I’m counting his ai girlfriend as sexualized screentime because most of the time when we’re seeing her, she is being sexualized. Not all the time, because sometimes she’s honestly just talking to him, but a lot of the time. That alone is a lot of time. There’s

There were only two scenes featuring it in this movie where I was like...really? What’s the point? (A scene where Gos is taking drone footage of giant statues of naked women, it’s like 3 minutes long and could have been cut entirely, and a scene where a “newborn” replicant is examined by her creator.) The others, I

There is a lot of female nudity. Not that there wasn’t in the original, there was a lot of focus on the female form so it doesn’t feel out of place in the sequel. But it’s a lot. It’s a long movie and I’d estimate 20% of the screen time is occupied by a naked or sexualized woman.

I loved that aspect of the movie. Sorry, you’re not that special after all! Poor Gos.

It’s good though! If you like the original trust me it’s worth it for the experience of the big screen and the surround sound. I always wished I could have seen the first one in theaters and I feel like I really got that experience this time around. So cool.

Our showing was closer to 60-40, but all of those women were on a date, I didn’t see any women on their own.

It was really good, though! If you like the original one, this is a basically perfect sequel. Seriously, it’s really good.

My boyfriend works at this company and apparently the CEO sent out a “majorly butthurt” company-wide memo about the bit this morning.

And to think I’ve lost my shot as winning all that.

Elon Musk is all “Screw you, Amber! I’m going to Mars!”

I’m pretty sure Elon Musk is an envoy sent to us from our secret and distant alien overlords. We’ve been progressing too slowly, so he’s been sent to prod us along into the future. One day he’s gonna take that mask off to reveal the lizard-looking motherfucker underneath.

Well we’re even, Tim Allen, because I’m still holding a grudge against your stupid show for being literally the only thing that’s on Hallmark Channel during the week.

It was loosely inspired by the series as a whole. Very loosely. And then they slapped the title of the first book on it.

Am I literally the only die-hard Tower Junkie who was ok with this movie?

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I love watching this stuff. Here’s a crazy one I found recently -

Those are some homely, boring looking people.