
Americans have been drinking pumpkin beer since before there was an America. Seriously. Because pumpkins grow really well here and there’s plenty of fruit inside them, so early Americans used it in everything - like pie, but also savory stews, and even beer.

I don’t know about clove powder. But my dentist told me using clove oil at home is dangerous because it can actually kill the cells in your gum tissue if what you’re using is too strong or it’s on there for too long.

Good point. My boss, the one who told me I was too quiet and timid, is an ex Marine. He’s also the one who told me to calm down when I vented to him, in private, about how a junior member of staff had screwed me over on something, though. Same guy would have been cussing up a storm if he had somebody not complete an

I can’t spend too much time dwelling on this stuff because it just makes me upset. First I was given feedback that I was too timid (I was). I made some purposeful adjustments as I started being given more management responsibilities. I am very clear with people who have to do work for me. Clear about my expectations,

Plenty of “natural” remedies actually work. Raspberry leaf tea is great for menstrual cramps, for example. It’s not as strong as ibuprofen but it definitely makes a difference in the pain. Peppermint tea and peppermint oil work to help relieve IBS pain, and that’s clinically proven. Clove oil works for tooth pain -

The good news is you can use it in all kinds of salads in ways that actually taste good. Like a nice cucumber/tomato/onion/celery blend with some vinegar and oil, that’s delicious! Or chop up the same veggies you’d put in a salsa and mix with some white vinegar and spices, and you can eat it with chips. Or just add

I got cable this year specifically for the Hallmark channel. They have all romance movies, all the time every single weekend. And yes, the Countdown to Christmas is basically my reason for living.

That is shameful.

That’s true, Twilight’s not the same as this, but it had some serious problems of its own.

Tell that to the piles of money that Twilight and 50 Shades made :(


For everyone saying “cheating doesn’t mean you’re not a feminist” - yes. The fact that he cheated is not the issue. The issue is he had these affairs on set/with his younger, female work colleagues. He had a tremendous amount of power over them, and he took advantage of that. And I personally don’t believe you can do

I’m in OH and it touches everyone here. In my family it’s my cousin and brother in law.

If I was in charge, I’d reuse the old “A Fair Deal”. What we need to be pushing is 1.) Equality and 2.) We are America. You can fit everything else in under there.

The issue is that freshmen get to college, and they have no idea how to read and absorb information, they have no idea how to think critically, they don’t know how to write an essay - basically, they are not prepared for college. Then they’re sitting in History 101, and that professor is paid to teach history, not

This is absolutely true. And for handwritten exams, if your handwriting is illegible, you’re shooting yourself in the foot there. The nail that sticks out gets the hammer.


I had to grade thousands of papers and exams when I was in grad school. If they were all writing to the same prompt, I’d have a mental checklist of the things I expected them to touch on in their papers. So as I’m reading, I check that off, while noting all grammar/spelling/citation issues and always keeping an eye

Sure he can. And I’m allowed to chuckle at the fact that he just keeps swapping out different blondes.

Almost certainly terrible. I think most celebs are.