
Accept the new job offer, give them heads up that you’re not sure if current job will want you to work out a 2 weeks notice period or not. Pick the date you would be ok with leaving, and that’s the day you submit 2 weeks notice. That way you’re ok if they fire you on the spot.

Sometimes, Lissargh, I frighten myself :(

Flawless!! What a pro.

Yes, yes, and yes :)

She grabbed out for that mic like “maybe this will keep me up!” But no. no.

It happens all the time. I’m actually Gordon Ramsay.

thank you so much! I could watch that all day long.

Ooo, way harsh, Tai.

Reading the comments down this thread it turns out she’s an “all lives matter” person so yeah, don’t beat yourself up about it!

I was with you til the end of that thought. I’m no Katy Perry fan but she deserves better than John Mayer. I was legit happy for her when she seemed to have moved past that stage.

Poor Katy has like the worst taste in men.

Yes I do think.

This just makes me so sad for the Tom Cruise we have lost to scientology :( Look at him back then! He was an innocent baby.

Honestly, yeah, I would expect someone with conservative “values” to approve of her for those things. That’s kinda their thing. Women are supposed to support their husbands in all ways, according to them, so...yeah.

It’s not like they sat there thinking “Donate to orphanage, or have a wedding - which shall we do?” That money wasn’t going to go to charity anyway.


I know, right? Nobody showed up for my Hunger Games-themed quinceanera.

Why do you give a shit, though??? It’s their money to waste.

I know I’m bringing logic to a crazy fight here, but...shouldn’t conservatives approve of Hillary standing by Bill? Something something sanctity of marriage? Yes?

Look, if I want to hang out on the bottom of a river and slowly accumulate dirt, that’s my business! How rude.