
I hope that’s the case. She has always seemed like a really cool person to me.

And right click, save that one for later. Fantastic.

I would hope that’s what happened, but...she was Betty’s own caretaker, so wouldn’t Betty have noticed? Like, hey, this person is with me all the time with no break, that doesn’t seem right. Maybe she did and just assumed that the caretaker was being royally paid for it but even then, six days a week for 20 years,

The comment got under my skin because the reality is, most women in the US do work outside the home, but they also get stuck with by far the majority of the housework, not to mention emotional labor like remembering birthdays, arranging things for major holidays, making sure everyone gets medical appointments

In that case it is being shared equally. I’m not down on people who choose to divide things differently from how I do, but that’s not what he wrote.

Dang, Frances Cobain is getting divorced already? Poor kid. At least it sounds like she had a good pre-nup.

I’m afraid we don’t actually know how rare the type of reaction I had is, though. Is it one in thousands, or is it the one in 20 that the scientist quoted in that article mentioned? I think it would be great if we understood this better but, we don’t. There is no beer in the world with the chance to give you the kind

The guy who we bought the stuff off insisted it would be 8 hours, tops. He must have been like you. I was so upset at hour 18, let me tell you. Of course this same guy used to accidentally dose himself all the time by not wearing gloves when he counted and dealt this stuff, so we should have known he was not the most

Oh, wow. No, it definitely did not come across that way.

As someone who’s had a serious mental break trigger by lsd, I don’t know for sure the role acid played in this. Just based off what I went through I would not rule it out. Do I think it’s really unlikely that he had no previous violent history or reason to want to harm her, and lsd was the sole cause of it? Yeah, I

Yup. Nothing like thinking “Oh, it’s passed, finally I can go to sleep!” and then noticing the walls are breathing.

When I was at college, just during the time I was there, 3 kids fell and died while on lsd or shrooms. One off a bridge, one out a dorm window, and another off a raised walkway. They had total breaks from reality. Doing acid once, if you’re that one unlucky kid, you’re dead. And you can’t control it, the way you can

That’s the right call, trust me. My second time trying acid I had a mental break from reality that lasted a month. Thankfully it passed but if I could go back in time and never try it, I would.

Dude, alcohol is nothing like lsd. That’s a bananas comparison.

Longest acid trip I’ve ever had was about 18 hours. It was very exhausting, I couldn’t sleep.

Maybe? I mean maybe it could have contributed, but it’s not something that’s going to create a violent impulse out of thin air.

I think monthly anniversaries are for middle schoolers. But if you actually have a SO who is into that, and it’s important to her, you would need to talk to her about that. A monthly “anniversary” sounds silly but a monthly “special date night” is totally normal. My fiance and I do a nice “date night” out once or

It’s just something basic. And to be honest the other things he mentions - surprise date nights, random flowers or other small gifts - should be pretty frequent in a healthy relationship, not rare, couple times a year treats.

It is hard. I’ve been attempting for about a month now to cut down on sugar which means seriously cutting back on the amount of dessert I eat. One thing that has helped me is replacing the many treats I used to award myself on a daily basis (fruit snacks) with something that I still like, but that’s harmless for me

Good tip but that last bit about “making her feel special” by doing the dishes as a treat for her once in a blue moon is effing ridiculous. I feel sorry for his significant other.