
Focus on STEM is why I work with engineers and architects who can’t write a sentence or deliver a presentation to save their damn lives. I, the humanities major, save them from looking like fools on the regular. But they make so much more money. Yay STEM....

My mom’s obgyn said older pregnancies without fertility treatment intervention are on the rise nowadays just because women are staying healthier, longer. Still rare, but celebs have better health than most of us just by virtue of having more money. So it’s possible but yeah, highly highly unlikely Gwen’s actually

My mom had her last kid at 49. It certainly does happen. Wouldn’t want it to happen to me, personally, but it’s great for throwing in my mom’s face when she brings up grandchildren. Chill, mom, I have like 20 years left!

:( damn

Tell me about it. I’ve put on 10 pounds since gay marriage became legal. Coincidence? I think not.

People are so awful. I’m sorry they did that to you. A few years ago a screen cap of something from my facebook page was shared by some worthless turd I went to high school with, and it briefly blew up. I’m not going to get into it but it hurt a lot to see people I didn’t even know using my actual life as their little

Lol no shame, YA fantasy is wonderful, too.

Son of a b! That’s horrible.

If you haven’t yet, check out Brandon Sanderson. His fantasy books are wonderful, and there’s not a single rape scene. There are plenty of writers who do that style of grand, epic fantasy for adults without having to resort to cheap tricks like that. Lynn Flewelling is another one I like. Oh, and NK Jemisin!

I’ve read all the books, too. I will probably read the next ones when they come out but I won’t be spending any money on the show or any GoT merch. The show could have handled things so much better, and they just didn’t.

I hope they lost/are losing a significant amount of money from all the people who stopped watching. Another article I read about this implied that was the case, which is the only reason why they considered making any changes in how they handle sexual violence on the show. Personally, I’m done with the show for good.

I love the new hair, too. I have a hair appointment scheduled for next week and I’m seriously considering copying that style. It’s cute and it looks so easy to maintain!

She looks pretty much the same to me and I am a big enough fan of hers that it’s embarrassing to admit, so I feel like I would have noticed any surgery results. She’s just getting older, and that changes your face a bit, I think. Her cheeks look a bit less chubby maybe.

I don’t know :( We’re still not sure we want kids, but if we did I think giving one his name and one my name would be cool.

I like that idea.

I’m considering that option. How do strangers/colleagues address you? His last name? Your last name? Your last name His last name both?

I’m getting married next fall and still haven’t made up my mind about the name thing. He rejected the idea of just taking my name as quickly as I rejected the idea of just taking his name. He also can’t take on a new, unique family name because he’s the only son so it would break his father’s heart (apparently). So

Bahahaha. Oh my. *wipes tears* Thanks, I really needed that belly laugh.


I voted “Yes, seems like the festive choice,” but only because “Hell yes, immediately please!” wasn’t an option.