
that there was a way he could somehow get every single disease simultaneously

President Obama offered her AG and she didn’t want the job then, so what makes you think she was holding out for it now?

His belief in science is directly proportional to its immediate impact on him, personally.

The source also said Trump has asked the Secret Service to set up a screening program and bar anyone who has a cough from the White House grounds.“He’s definitely melting down over this,” the source said.

Wait, so if Matt Gaetz is self-quarantining...does that mean he believes in science?

LOL, it gets better.

Seems Louis Gohmert was another CPAC attendee who was possibly exposed.

If he gets it, we can change the name to the Crony virus.

Notice we haven’t seen ol Mitchy anywhere lately? Odds on fave the guy has taped himself up in his lil bunker and is currently taking Purel dips every 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris apparently waited to endorse Biden until there were no more women left in the race.

i wonder if this will finally make either house of Congress rethink the idea of in-person voting only.

Of course.

If Trump gets coronavirus he will absolutely spread it to as many people as possible. There’s no way he’s going out alone.

HAHAHAHAHA you big fucking turd you. This after his stupid stunt with the mask is just such perfect karma. That he rode in AF1 and then self-quarantined is making my day. I hope Covfefe is sweating bullets right now.

He’s tweeting about Obama, of course.

I honestly thought to myself for a second thats its never a nice thing to wish a disease on someone, and then I remembered that he just the other day wanted to not let a cruise ship dock and release passengers because it would make his numbers look bad.

Donald Trump, a noted germaphobe, even as he tries to spin what is an ever-growing public health crisis that his administration is handling incredibly badly (to put it mildly) as “fake news,” he is “privately terrified about getting the virus,”

Imagine if he gets it and then spreads it to Pence, Mitch, and the rest of the Geriatric Goons. Nature finally accomplishes what humanity couldn’t.

Hopefully 45 will get coronavirus