Yup. I really like Warren, but I suspect that if she hadn’t handed Bloomberg his ass in that debate she would also be out by now.
Yup. I really like Warren, but I suspect that if she hadn’t handed Bloomberg his ass in that debate she would also be out by now.
I found out the other day that one of my friends is a Klobuchar supporter! She’s a reformed conservative who can’t bear to call herself a feminist and is terrified of Bernie winning the nomination, and I suspect she exemplifies Amy’s specific demographic.
If your heart is with Warren, vote for Warren. Period. This attitude has been hurting Warren all along, and we’ve literally only had voting in 4 states, none of them especially large.
I never really understood why she got as much centrist media attention as she did, for so long. At least Buttigieg seemed like a serious contender in the early states for a while - Klobuchar never was. Her peak position was winning a whopping third place in New Hampshire, with abysmal showings elsewhere. She was never…
Nah. Biden’s been pretty clear about choosing a woman, and a woman of color at that (Kamala Harris is likely). Both Pete and Amy didn’t have a path forward, and were both pretty anti-Bernie, so it makes sense they would drop out now to coalesce behind whoever is best positioned to thwart him. Pete was probably offered…
I immediately thought Buttigieg was promised a Biden VP spot if he dropped out.
She is only the second dropped-out candidate to make a primary endorsement.
Yes. It’s important to remember that discomfort you might feel in the polling booth is nothing compared to the heartburn of 4 more years of Trump. There’s no one to reading this who is too good for Bernie or Biden.
Everyone, remember, no matter what, we need to vote out 45 in November. Hold your nose if you have to, but do not allow your personal feelings to get in the way. Vote for the Democratic nominee on the ballot or you will responsible for 45 getting another term to further destroy our democracy--and that is not hyperbole.
Oh god, it's going to be Biden.
lol at #PeteToBernie trending on twitter since last night. You sent your flying monkeys out to insessantly attack anyone who so much as didn’t fully prostrate themselves before Dear Leader, and now y’all trying to act like “Well, we really liked Pete in the beginning.” lol Get the fuck out of here with this…
And, may I just add that though he was not my candidate, and that while I found many of his positions not bold enough for my blood that with the exception of his campaign manager - and that’s a pretty big exception - that his supporters were unfailingly - sometimes maddeningly - patient, nice and enthusiastic even…
I guess it was just naive to think that maybe the candidate could have been someone who was born after the widespread proliferation of the integrated circuit.
She’s getting significant vote out of Super Tuesday if for no other reason that she’s one of the only candidates - in some cases the only candidate - other than Sanders at or near viability (15%) in the big states (California and Texas).
Literally millions of voters would disagree on that.
Is it just me, or are people being excessively mean-spirited about this?
Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren both NEED TO STAY in the race until right after super Tuesday.
Can we please at least get a VP nominee that isn’t a septuagenarian?
I believe, but I could be totally wrong, that the delegates pledged to a candidate that has dropped will vote their conscience the convention. So those delegates could go to anyone who is still in the race by the convention.
Stoopid question: what happens to the delegates he won?