
This is totally fair.  I actually think it’s a pretty good idea to have a test question regarding analyzing DNA samples to a suspect (at least, in a class where that is something being taught) but yeah, they didn’t have to add in the entire backstory and such.  Like your example shows, it wasn’t hard to still test for

Right?! Or they could have just collected “blood” at a crime scene for DNA, thereby side-stepping any reference, implied or otherwise, to rape.

Correct. I was going to say there wasn’t enough information to solve as it didn’t mention what she was wearing, there for impossible to solve for rape.

Do we even know if S1 was on the swim team?

I was going to say the accurate answer is that the rape kit will sit in limbo for 4-6 years, conveniently long enough for the statute of limitation to run out. 

Real corrective action would be teaching students about consent and putting structures in place for reporting sexual assault both on and off-campus in order to protect survivors..”

I went to high school in Texas, where they barely teach sex ed in health class and I was ostracized for not praying around a fucking flagpole before school. It does not surprise me that this question appeared on a homework assignment.

My thoughts too - what does matching a picture have to do with biology and why is a teacher giving high school freshmen a preschool level task.

Right?! It could have used DNA from a hair sample found at the scene of just any old crime! It could have been a question about paternity! (Though comparing parent-child DNA is admittedly different than matching sperm cells. But still.) It could have not had a cute little “story” attached to it, and simply asked

Once I read that it was a Klein ISD school, all of my questions were answered. This is a district that is incredibly wealthy and incredibly right wing, and I can already imagine that the consideration of how the female students would feel was never once considered. I have coworkers who previously taught in Klein ISD

Aside from the inappropriate question, it’s not exactly challenging to determine that Suspect 1 is the rapist.

Correct answer: When the responding officer arrived at the scene, he took one look at Suzy and decided that based on her appearance she must have been asking for it. Based on this assumption, he never offered to collect a rape kit. He gathered no physical evidence, made one attempt to get a copy of the video from the

There are so many possible test problems that could be written suitably for a high school (biology? criminology? What the hell was this class?) exam, without going to semen samples and rape.

Just to add that idk about Thinx, but the period underwear I have, Modibodi, actually uses merino wool as the absorbent material. So nothing particularly improbable or unnatural about that. As you point out, these products aren’t actually using anything brand new, it’s just how they’re put together.

I don’t have Thinx specifically - I use Modibodi - but I actually keep the same pair on all day. In theory, according to them, you can wear them for up to 24 hours, flow-dependent of course. Can’t use them on my heaviest days, but for the rest of the period they’re fine and it feels like I’m not even on my period at

I stopped getting my period after I got the Mirena, but before that my diva cup + thinx = best period. 

You change the underwear more than once a day. I think they hold two tampons worth?

The fluid physics here aren’t impossible, though. It’s a pretty basic fabric combo that lends to absorbancy and waterproofing and has been used in baby diapers for years and years. the top layer is usually some kind of wicking cotton fabric, the same as “stay dry” undershirts or swimwear lining, the middle layer is

Call me old fashioned but I don’t like the thought of keeping my period blood (or any of my blood) next to my skin for an extended period of time. Even if it ‘dry’. Especially in an area that gets hot and sticky. It’s nice to change a pad after a couple of hours and replace it with a cool fresh one.