
Tinfoil hat time. We all kind of assume the president has done this at least partially for the purposes of improving his reelection bid, right? I mean, he literally predicted throughout 2011-12 that Obama would start a war for the sole purpose of gaining reelection, so at the very least, we understand that the

I had to talk to her for work a couple times. Her assistant would call for her and then hand her the phone like she was the president.

I didn’t even know there was a third kid, so they clearly succeeded in distancing themselves as much as possible from that crap.

I can vouch for this. That family is totally rotten. Gun-obsessed, uber-republican misogynists. 

I didn’t even know that there was a third kid! Good for them!

There’s a third kid who refused to have anything to do with the reality show. Good for her! I'm impressed that she has that much integrity given who her parents are

People forget the Osbornes were basically the early 2000s Kardashians.

The poor assistant was living with them. What are the odds that Sharon respected that his room was his personal space, or let him be off the clock according to his contract? 

It is probably at least partially exaggerated, but I’ve no doubt that she fired someone for not laughing that she put them in a dangerous situation.

I know that story is so deeply horrible that I can’t imagine the depths of delusion one must be in to volunteer it.

Sharon Osbourne sounds like a nightmare person.

Just replying to say this is the nuanced response I was looking for. There is so much context in this story, much of it we will never know, that taking a polarised stance in either direction as to whether this is good or bad is pointless and hurtful.

Yeah, they left out the fact that “help” probably entailed her being put in a facility where she likely would have been treated with mild neglect and possibly abuse by strangers and lived out her remaining days even more alone and frightened than she was able to realize.

What I’m including as ‘little experience’ is people who only have a familial experience. I’ve gone through that twice now, but more often rely upon my work experience to inform my decision-making, given that I’m allowed much more objectivity when it comes to work. And that brings me back to the above post regarding

I am so so so sorry for your loss and for what I am sure is/was a lot of time trying to figure out how to deal with it. My mom killed herself and it’s been brutal (especially a lot of comments from dumbasses) but I can’t even imagine it with that added layer. Sending strength to you.

“avoided discussing it and grew evasive about the future,”

HELLLL NO. My father shot my mother in a murder-suicide in 2017. This shit is why people had the audacity to say “They went together” or “They just loved each other to much” to me, and to talk about what a “wonderful husband” my father was. Those people didn’t read the police report detailing my mother’s defense

Let me say at the top here that what he did was absolutely wrong and the Times article is next level bonkers and tone deaf. I am not defending either one.

there is a pretty important person who was impacted by this man’s actions whose opinion would be determinative, but whose perspective is missing here.

Given her ultimate end, this seems a disturbing parallel to instances of intimate partner violence where the assailant is enraged by being left behind.