
I am tempted to say “All dating apps are bad.” (because they are) ...and yet somehow I found my person on Tinder.

Or Sharon Stone can just date Pete Davidson?

Why isn't Sharon Stone using a rich/famous person dating app? Bumble is for the masses and I doubt she sees herself as a regular person. Also, Pete Davidson should get together with LiLo and they can post their thirst traps all over the Gram! 

And I keep telling people this, but when you have an election that was decided by 70,000 in three states, “a little” can mean a whole helluva lot. It can be the difference between his re-election or not.

The Christianity Today takedown may actually have some lasting electoral consequence. Not like some kind of mass exodus, but more than, say, impeachment or the Mueller Report could have.

That is seriously fierce.

Aw, you had “White&WoKKKe” right in front of you!

Unless Christianity Today’s Editor, Mark Galli, owns the magazine I expect a swift kick in the ass for him because it seems like Evangelicals love Trump’s crazy ass despite Trump being, you know, everything that Christians should despise.

I’d guess that Trump is bigger than religion for probably 90% of evangelicals.  He is completely infallible in their eyes, and anybody that suggests otherwise is the enemy. 

I’m now imagining a scene at my evangelical MIL’s house: she is sitting in silence on the couch while her fourth husband is ranting about how that publication will no longer darken their mailbox in any form because of some stupid Deplorable reasoning I can’t wrap my head around. Something about how they heard Goody

Peter Thiel is launching a competitor magazine, “Antichrist Today,” for those who are sick of Jesus’ librul biased.

Evangelicals believe in the “prosperity gospel”, the idea that wealth equates God’s blessings, regardless of what Jesus had to say about the rich not getting into Heaven. Evangelicalism is also rife with white supremacists, so a person who is a white supremacist, or at least supports and is supported by them, combined

I agree; even it convinces them to vote 3rd party over Trump or stay home; it helps a little.

Haha your average Trump supporter will gladly cancel their subscription and demonize Christianity Today before they actually act like Christians.

Also, this happened today:

On one hand, given that all the problems CT cites with Trump have been there since the very beginning, it’s pretty craven of them to wait ‘til he’s already been impeached to say something publicly.

I’m genuinely surprised by that Christianity Today editorial....I wonder if other evangelical outlets will even comment on it - doubtful any will offer a similar assessment but even bringing it up in their own reporting...that’d be something.  Unlikely, but that would be something.

I predict that Galli will get fired within days and CT will withdraw the editorial. This is a crowd that does not tolerate being told things like this: