
Sometimes when I'm watching a movie and they're establishing a villain's character, there's disbelief, as you don't that there are people out there who can really be thought of as being over the top super villains. Then you come across a shit like this. Holy poopnoodles indeed.

Sour grapes. Generally unhappiness in being unable to obtain or maintain a relationship. Rather than come to grips that there could be something defective about his character, it's more comforting for him to assume that there's something defective in all women.

A friend transitioned after college, and the shocking physical change was that afterwards, she had a huge smile. Her parents were more like Leelah than you. As far as I know, none of us had any idea she was trans, and no one knew why she was so sad.

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If you lack knowledge about something, it's good to express your ignorance, but in the future you should do so in a inoffensive manner. The things your brain is apparently not seeing is a talent for costume, lighting, makeup, photography and using expression and stance in a static form to convey a dynamic image, and

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You have to be careful with concentrating meals like that, they always goes wrong when it comes to the desserts:

Nobody's forgotten stupid helmet day. A man with undeserved military garb just looks likes an idiot.

Though if the naked twin gets recognized, she could always pretend she was the wife who was cheated on. Husband is a SOOL.

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I think he's referencing this 3D classic, from SCTV:

Cooks, while not stoned, will often get burns, cuts and scalds. Seems pretty irresponsible.

Guess he's never seen a twerking video.

His poor parents.

Hope his job duties don't require him to deal with anything flammable at his oilfield.

I think it's just a a culture clash. It's sort of like going into an upscale wine store and asking for grape flavored wine. I'm neither a coffee nor a wine snob, but if someone is taking their shtick very seriously, I'm not going to demand they dumb it down for me, when acceptable cheap coffee is universally

I think his name was Howie. Friend has long since (almost three decades ago) upgraded to a husband who seems nicer in every way.

Had a friend whose boyfriend did the eat half a meal thing, then demanded a second dish in a Chinese takeout place as a replacement as the first was defective. His reasoning was that the dish had been prepared differently when he'd had it in a different restaurant. He threatened to call the Better Business Bureau.

He can control the hemoglobin in his abs to give himself a sixpack.

Captain America, though it was during wartime.

I love the idea that you wobble slightly between parallel dimensions, and you have to check wikipedia to see if you're in the reality where narwhals are real, the one where unicorns are real, the fun one where they both are, or the dingy place where none of it is true.

My pumpkin pie kills fascists. Made from the bones of jacko'lantern, scratch crust and spiciness. It evaporates at parties.