
I used to work with some folks who survivors of abusive families, and it was remarkable that so many managed to become quite lovely people despite having either inadequate or out and out violent psychosis from a parent or parents. So, they definitely deserve a toast, and well done, all of you.

But she, as far as we know, has not done violence to anyone and has not sent anyone to the hospital. She was not the most deranged individual on the premises.

Oz may be a good surgeon, but he shouldn’t be allowed to talk to patients without a sane person present. The sane person would have veto power over everything he says. Someone had him on and they were talking about a restaurant meal that had 1500 calories. “Wow”, he says “That’s how many calories you should eat in a

And if he’s not grown up enough to realize that the relationship might not work and they might not go through with the process, even though that’s what he just agreed to in writing, twice, he’s probably not grown up enough to be be a dad.

A good filter for determining if you’re a good candidate for a single dad: Are you the kind of guy who would want to make a woman carry an unwanted pregnancy to term? If so, you don’t qualify. Also, you’d be legally inflicting on a child a mother who didn’t want him or her. The stigma against single dads is an issue,

Collagen is gelatin is jello.

The freak accident may have been a higher power’s karma that he brought on himself. I’m an atheist, largely, but sometimes things like that seem to happen. The best revenge is living well. I hope your life is good.

Your risk of dying in a car accident in your lifetime is 1 in 84. That’s a significant risk, similar to the 1 in 50 or 1 in 2000 lifetime risk that someone will die from anaphylaxis. Are you planning to stay out of cars?

Depends how allergic they are and to what component of the wheat. Just the filtration involved in making beer will result in removal in some proteins, and some denaturation of various proteins or other antigens can occur in making beer that doesn’t occur in making bread. They may have done this experiment already.


Yes. There are legit clinical reasons for this, but I won’t mention it as it may put folks off of burgers.

People who discount other’s pain should be pushed down a flight or two of stairs to better facilitate their understanding.

You have an allergic reaction because a specific class of antibodies attaches to a specific chemical shape. The attachment is specific enough to thought of as a lock and key. Every different animal/plant has a huge number of distinct chemical shapes on them, because of the different DNA that makes them different. Raw

Says the guy who works in front of cameras wearing shorts and no shirt.

He doesn’t reconcile any of them. He says what he thinks the audience he’s speaking to wants to hear. What BrightEyes says below is true, though they’ve garnered support from a lot of non-wealthy people by conspiracy mongering on several fronts, mostly imagined attacks on gun ownership, religion and heterosexuality.

There was a woman with one arm on “This American Life” who talked about this.

Also, if my kid were having that many problems in the world, I’d want to be focusing at least part of my energies in my life on how I could help my kid. Maybe I shouldn’t be starting a longshot run at the presidency that involves over a year of constant travel and work and increases the stress on everyone in my

Two very religious women run the deli in my office building. I’d been buying two hard boiled eggs for lunch, and thought once I should get some fruit too. I put a banana down next to the eggs and it didn’t look right. I couldn’t configure it so it didn’t. I quickly grabbed a second banana to try to take the curse off

Don’t you mean Australian Thorntree?

Many Happies to you.