
He had the option of being a local skeevy criminal. But then he made up the story about the chickens. Now he is world famous, has exposed himself to fowl humour, and will be known for all eternity as the Alleged Chicken Peeper.

Thank you for a fluffy chicken break in the middle of story about someone awful. I'm sure you have cleansed many people's souls.

Nacho cheese flavoring? Doritos crumbs?

My Grandmother (who'd lived through the Depression) would put all the crackers and all the bread in a basket in her purse, as she insisted it was wrong for them to serve it to two different parties.

Maybe this is actually a ghost story, and this waiter is a doomed soul providing racism and poor service and never receiving a tip, one night out of the year, for Eternity.

Needs more chicken singing. Youtube has failed me, unable to find a chicken singing version of the funeral march, though I know I've heard one.

Maybe it's simpler, maybe she knew from experience that he's a violent psychopath that no one would ever believe was a violent psychopath. And he might have convinced her that if she told what she thought she knew, he'd kill her.

We took Simon Cowell off your hands for a while. You owe us for that.

Webcomic here that reviews them:

I'm so sorry.

So it's sort of the Roger Corman approach, though I liked some of his things.

I went and looked up juggering on Urban Dictionary. As is often the case, worse then expecting. Don't do it.

No, we just wanted him to not wear that shirt while representing the scientific community.

We're supposed to clean our suits?


Well, Friday of course is "Pants are Optional" day.

No, there were a series federal actions such as the Civil War and Lincoln's eventual endorsement of abolition as essential, Truman's saying enough bullshit, the armed forces are now integrated, and Eisenhower calling in federal troops to allow integration. You're right, public indifference and inaction on the part of

Yes, not mentioning a societal problem is a good way to resolve it. Actually, calling out dumbasses for being dumbasses is more effective. In American history, no group has ever achieved equality solely because the group in question spoke up, it's always been only after either federal authorities enforced equality,

I worked in science for over a decade. I'm a guy who's smart enough to know I don't know fashion sense. If I want to look presentable for a big event, I ask someone for help. I've worked for many years in two labs run by women. My mom, now retired, was a researcher and engineer for her entire career. Women have