Very true. I'm worried about a society where TV shows all sorts of torture porn, but porn porn is considered worrisome.
Very true. I'm worried about a society where TV shows all sorts of torture porn, but porn porn is considered worrisome.
But too little sugar is also not good.
Actually, too much dextrose (glucose) and too much HFCS are pretty well implicated in obesity as well as other health issues:… I say this as someone who is quite aware that he is just a conglomeration of chemicals. HFCS has been understudied in humans, but recent research…
Also, caveat emptor.
Closing a physical door that he can't open is a thing of beauty.
Co-worker of a friend called the police:
I feel guilty for laughing at that.
He could be Elizabeth Warren's VP in 2016.
"Holy priceless collection of Etruscan snoods" was a favorite of a friend of mine.
If a misanthropic employer decided to offer full health care benefits, but demanded that no benefits be provided for care of prostate or testicular related conditions, including prostate or testicular cancer treatment and of course no viagra, would that be ok? It's not sexist because these benefits aren't being…
If Zeus were on OKcupid, this'd be pretty much how he'd respond to rejection.
Will there be similar scrutiny of Viagra? Cause if an oldtimer is using it when his partner isn't fertile, then it's not being used for procreation. And certainly no single man should be procreating outside the bounds of matrimony.
Your comment seemed to be minimizing and mocking her alarm, which is obnoxious to tell someone who has already had stalkers. Stalkers are not inherently known for being mentally healthy.
"I'm a Christian…We have a right to pray for people. I was trying to do something for the public good."
So, to show you believe it wasn't a big deal, you'd post similar personal details about yourself for all of us? And you wouldn't mind if a girlfriend's details were posted?
Two of the three pies on the menu are decidedly Southern US pies, and they don't offer Tastycakes.
I find fire started by matches are kind of vapid and fumey, rubbing two seasoned responsibly sourced sticks together gives your fire more integrity and flavouring.
I'm dissappointed as I'd hoped to use the premise of dilletantes bickering over this sort of ice in fiction, and now that reality has made it happen, it's too easy.
I've always been team Tom Smothers.