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This song always makes me feel like I might like to go ugly cry in bed for a while. Probably because I get stuck in my own head a lot and didn’t know how to ask for help for a lot of years, so it might not be the performance necessarily, just my own issues. (Side note, I hate lyric videos but I couldn’t find any that

I mostly just wear my pants unbuttoned. It’s totally fiiiine. Not embarrassing at all.

He’s basically a slightly larger version of a lot of guys I dated in my early 20s, so my brain and body are like, “Yeah that was good times, we’re interested in that.”

I burned myself today when I realized my musical taste could be described as, “JC Penney’s muzak.” And then I was sad.

Yuuup. I either can’t talk at all or I cry if I’m really angry. I’d be useless in a rap battle.

Well, she’s no Kevin James...

Donald Trump is this guy with less self-awareness.

Pfft have you seen his wife? She’s cute as hell. He’s clearly doing something right (and they have 3 kids, so if she was a gold digger, she could’ve left and gotten crazy child support/alimony by now).


I actually find Kevin James sexually attractive (shut up) and I’m still not going to see this.

This is such a good idea. My aunt and cousins actually did something similar at my bridal shower - they bought 1 book per guest and put them in opaque bags, so well ended up with a random title - and it was a big hit with all the guests. It was a lot better than some random favor that no one really has any use for

That’s...actually not inaccurate.

Ugh but did you read any of his other comment history? He seems...not bright, and super full of himself. I thought he was cute but I was almost immediately turned off by his personality.

That’s exactly why I don’t think it was professionally written. I never had to write an apology for being a racist shitbag, since I wasn’t one, but my DARE essay when I was about 10 was about this dramatic and self-congratulatory. My teenage diary was almost as bad. Florid ass metaphors all over the place. Ugh.

It also looks terrible on me. We can start a club. I really only wear chapstick because I look like shit in every lip color I've ever tried.

I would really like to see the eye makeup without the rest of it. I think it could be really pretty with more natural skin/lips and not such a brown blush.

BRB changing the names on all of the dialogue in this and having an instant Stony fanfic. I think we all know who would be Steve.

It definitely isn’t, but that hasn’t stopped people from misusing the term every week. I think at this point, reporters/bloggers are just trying to end up on Shade Court.

If at least one website doesn’t say Harry Reid threw shade at the GOP candidates by this week’s Shade Court, I will eat my hat. I don’t own a hat, but I will purchase and then consume one.

Snowman, y’all? Inaccurate as fuck because I am not chill even a little bit. I’m like, the least chill person alive. I’m pretty sure the fact that I’m even concerned about it proves that.