
I was lucky enough to get 2 days in as well. Hopefully we'll be back online by then. :P

Everyone gets hit sometimes. We'll just have to hope there isn't too much damage (in the way of working hours and compensation.) I'd like for them to at least get their website back online though, there are plenty of subscribers who don't read sites like these.

This cropped up last night, I figured it was something like this when the site's availability was intermittent and so on.

I see a potential for retaliating due to a loss.

Just remember to read the manual. The game's a "Simulation" in the proper sense. newtonian physics, with very limited shielding.

Independence War

I just.. can't see this as fun for me. While I really want space games to come back, I'm finding myself missing physics being involved with more than just some radial explosions. I hope development will go well for these guys, but it doesn't ring the same tune of "Freeelancer Fun" as it seems to for some others. Will

I don't trust them to do this just because they listened to customer feedback. There's another angle here we aren't seeing.

As for my sense of distrust for corporations and distrust here are a couple of links:

Corporations are seedy and money hungry, it's basically a known fact, Microsoft more so than others. I don't care that anyone thinks it's wrong. It is something that shows we are not here to fucked over, not just to Microsoft (as I keep mentioning) but to all those who look at me and see a demographic, a brown bag

These things were done prior to the notion that Kinect was "always on" or required. This wasn't motivated by a sense of "fairness", it was motivated by "I must own all the information." Remember that Microsoft isn't the only one impacted by crap like this, and hiding behind a "Well I don't want to be spied on" excuse

That doesn't mean it's acceptable, moral, or right to do.

It doesn't work like that. Don't want that "surveillance equipment" (as you put it)? Don't buy one. Seriously.. this doesn't even equal out in any way.

Just because something is illegal, doesn't make it wrong.

You'd think he'd have been smart enough to realize that even with his curiosity, breaking in to secure systems is a crime.

To be fair, the 5GB is still a hell of a lot more than what the 360 or PS3 is utilizing now. Like waaaaaaaaaaay more

Why should I re-buy this game when I got burned on the original release? Square-Enix has yet to answer that question for me.

The problem is that you end up with a lower ceiling for resources. This is more concerning for people who don't care about the dual-OS that Microsoft is forcing. I, myself, would only be using the X1 for games, not for TV, not for Netflix, not for anything else like that. In essence, the game's performance and

So it's the same methodology I've been looking at with Oracle's VMWare for over a decade... way to step it up and be "cutting edge".

You know what would have sorted this little reputation problem out? If Microsoft actually policed their premium-priced community and got rid of the morons that decide to ruin it for others.