Simple, EA has an international audience. As a result, they have larger pool of people they have to cultivate their reputation with.
Simple, EA has an international audience. As a result, they have larger pool of people they have to cultivate their reputation with.
As far as EA goes, they're significantly relevant, which is why they get a lot of flack. Don't get me wrong, some of these reasons are pretty silly (athelete on a cover?) but with claims like "45 million registered!" for Origin doesn't really win me over when they require it for ALL their freaking games, and get to…
(Editor's note: putting my finger on the scale here, but how could anyone vote against Ticketmaster?)
I get having guns and fairly violent combat as a result of that.. even the vigors.. sort of make sense.. but I find the melee and executions to not really make sense. Granted I haven't beaten the game, but Booker didn't seem to be the sadistic lunatic type, and it'd be nice if the combat would have represented that…
Won't be buying the next 360 if it's requiring online connections.
To be fair.. some of us actually bought in to SWTOR before it went free to play, so.. it's a bit different in that regard. DEFIANCE is at least launching like this.
Hey.. at least it should be less expensive to make, right? ...right? At least until EA tries really hard outside of the LOTR franchise.
I would gladly play cards with Brock Samson. He won't rip out my spine or anything, stand up gent.
It's basically a more intrusive version of Battlelog... which we don't need.
Haven't heard of this uproar till now. I don't know, this does seem like a "fund my life thing" rather than a fund a project. The camp isn't a project, it's ... a camp. It's not like she's running the camp.
No, they're doctored promo shots.
The more I see, the more I want it.. even if all the runs have been a very specific set of actions.
So in your opinion, allowing choice is bad? Close off the franchise to everyone but hard core stealth enthusiasts? Sounds similar to those who hated Forza 3 for allowing you to rewind. You're not being forced into a specific path, thus choice. Want to sneak through the entire level, by all means have at it (I know I…
This kind of trailer is one I like. It let me see some core mechanics of the game without distracting me with annoying music and bad cuts. Hell, it's got me wanting to play it now because it was honest and did very well in presenting what it actually is!
This worries me some. They're spreading out rather quickly. Will they have enough people to do this?