
Are we on the same page? Employers demand (as a condition of employment) for you to hand over the login and password for social networking sites in order to check what you've been writing from your side.

I voted in line with my expectations.

More and more employers are demanding FULL (not partial) access to accounts these days. With how rough it can be to get a decent job these days it becomes more in their favor.

I ended up cancelling on my Origin pre-order because they ROYALLY screwed it up and just ordered from GreenmanGaming. Even got $5 back.

I have about 20% confidence in EA's servers for the first twelve hours, with a 30% confidence after that for the first day and a half.

The cities are on par with small/medium, but I'm fine with building multiple cities in one region, especially with the interconnected trade and commerce.

Employers can't see shit.

Watch Homeworld go to an insurance company. ._.

You can't exactly offer an olive branch when that olive branch is something we already have. Offering "third party games" doesn't solve the problem inherent in Ubisoft's development practices. Month+ delays of PC versions, DRM, Uplay, and lackluster PC support is the problem here. The fact that Ubisoft is trying to

Visceral was set up for failure by EA's overzealous budgeting. They failed, now they're gone. I'm hating publishers more and more.

I thought they were supposed to have that, but there was a huge backlash in the forums about it. I haven't followed up on its implementation.

I remember, back in high-school, a group of people and I wanted to create a map of our school and a local park. We thought about it for a long while, and actually started work on sketches and some drafts.

It's not even good for Americans. Sure I can get a decent amount of stuff, but latency is always a problem with these streaming services, especially when you have up and down to process that has to be done fast enough to not be noticed.

There is only so much you can do to try and educate people on rating systems. With how much effort the ESRB has put into it in the US, I can't blame anything but either stupidity or laziness.

I really hope it won't be a PS4 launch title. I've been waiting for it to show up on my PS3 and I'm not keen on being an early adopter for the PS4. I did that with the Wii, the DS, and even the PS3 itself.. I'm just not willing to put myself in that position and it would be almost cruel to essentially up the cost of

Its almost as if they ripped BL2's Skag AI.

Because not liking something is the same as violating journalistic integrity. AI's bad, and there's something humorous about it. It's reported in full context, thus justified.

Gearbox needs to stop slapping their name on everything.

Fox will milk it.

Judging based on price is the only fair way to do it. If Gearbox and associates wanted to make it a bit easier to swallow, they could have cut the launch price to $30, at least then it'd not get as much hate, but this game is priced at the same price as any other AAA title. With Dead Space 3 having just come out, it's