
The Gen Z urge to regard every mundane thought and feeling as important, unique, new, and worthy of a deep-dive, explanatory essay.

It is very strong indeed. DeSantis will be our next president, we all better start getting used to the idea.

I’m sorry that these two have been through tough times, but there’s been so much buzz about their “Next Great Project!” for the past few years and nothing has materialized. Meghan has a bland podcast with nothing unique to say and that’s it. Sorry to her stans, it doesn’t mean she’s a bad person, it just is what it

I’m happy for all these women, but I don’t agree with the article’s implication that, “See all these 40 year old celebrities having babies?! Maybe you don’t need to freeze your eggs when you’re 30 after all!!” Like, no. Many of these celebrities are using eggs they froze when they were younger, and for those who

I’m confused...These “Linewives” understand that if a Bucket Bunny has a one-night-stand with their “butthole” husband it doesn’t mean they’re married, right? I’m not sure how wearing your sh*tty Linewife life like a medal is relevant here, unless they seek to further debase themselves by defending their husbands for

So I know what tartan is...but like, how do you “gift” someone a “Family Tartan?” I’m picturing him giving her a square of cloth? Is this not correct? Is this tartan from HIS family or did he commission a whole new tartan which is now the Trump Tartan? Now I’m picturing lines of garish orange, yellow, and white.

The best insurance would’ve been an emergency fire contingency plan. But c’est la vie. 

In prose that billows and snaps like a flag in a strong wind“

She is my favorite. She is brilliant, genuine (like, ACTUALLY genuine, not “fake genuine,” which shouldn’t make sense but we’re talking about politicians here) and she’s qualified as fuck. 

Exactly. And are all sexually mature women going to be subjected to monthly, government administered pregnancy tests? Heaven forbid a pregnancy should go undocumented, lest it be illegally ended before anyone’s the wiser. No, we need to get these gals on the books ASAP so the pregnancy can be monitored To make sure

His arms and legs are too short for his torso there I said it. 

Tea ceremony with crystals. 

The best argument I’ve heard for keeping the Electoral College is that it helps give more weight to less populated (read: middle of the country) states. If presidents were elected by popular vote, the urban, coastal powerhouses a la California and New York would consistently dominate over the less populated, more rural

Just came here to say that whoever said they made ribeye and lobster tails with a fever is a fucking LIAR. Who does that?

I’m a mom and this is obnoxious to me. I love mommy humor, but the #mommywinetime! trope is so old. Motherhood can be really difficult, and I’d rather have serious conversations about that. All this joking around is just another way of silencing women who are going through a tough time and maybe don’t feel like

Oh god, it’s Theranos all over again! The humanity!

I think he has done this sort of thing with Obama and other male colleagues. He’s a touchy feely dude, as everyone’s been saying. If he was a 75 year old woman giving people hugs and kisses would it be viewed differently? I think so. I also think all this is silly.

It doesn’t seem unreasonable that they decorated the house for the occasion. This stunt has got to be their biggest commercial to date. 

Does she still give her 4 sons sponge baths when they’re home on Christmas break?

I don’t want to say “whatabout,” but whatabout the GOP conspiracy caucus? Emails, Benghazi, birth least the Dem “conspiracy” is rooted in actual people being indicted and sent to jail and an open ended question on whether the President obstructed justice.