
Now that’s what I like to see! Those good old-fashioned values. It’s rare nowadays to see a rich family making a big splashy donation to get their kid into college. These days it’s all about secret monetary schemes. Nouveau Riche, amirite? Smh. I sure can’t wait ‘till Trump makes America Great Again and we can have a

Why in the heck did they write it down?! Not doubting that it occurred, just wondering why, if they were trying to “cover it up” and hide it from authorities and outsiders...why would they create a detailed paper trail? 

That’s not the case. The OP means that two people will wait the same amount of time for the same type of surgery. Emergencies are emergencies. My brother-in-law is Canadian and his mom was diagnosed with a brain tumor one day and operated on the very next day.

Tia, which was founded by two 28-year-old women with no prior experience in healthcare“

Yeah it’s fuckin weird. So are the Conway’s getting a divorce now or what? 

For a business that’s open 7 days a week, it shouldn’t be difficult to figure out a 4-day week for employees versus a 5-day week, scheduling wise. In order for this conversation to be meaningful they need to increase their hourly wages.  If wages don’t change, then what’s the fuckin point?

Totally agree. And recasting is a much bigger “FU” to celebrities who fuck up than just killing them off. 

I disagree. For what it’s worth, graduating from a top school opens LOTS of doors that wouldn’t even be available to lesser schools. There are some top firms that recruit from Ivy League and don’t even bother with anywhere else.

I’ll allow it.  Let’s harass these fraudsters with as many lawsuits as possible.  Could we also sue the universities while we’re at it?  

So this modern day “Exodus” is about as real as the first one then?

“Augmented reality grocery experience.”

Exactly!! Listen, the abortion argument is messy. It’s not black and white, it can’t be tied up nicely in a bow. Both sides try to simplify it by arguing over whether the baby is a “person” or not but I think the sooner we all realize that that doesn’t matter, the better.

He’s not going to jail. But with any luck he’ll be impeached.

I am a person who voted Beto for Senate but would not vote him for President. He’s not ready to be president, there are better Democratic candidates already signed up. 

Not necessarily. I voted for Beto for Senate. That doesn’t mean I’d vote Beto for president above the other democratic choices. 


Agreed. A presidential run will only sideline his career as a “has been” before he’s even done anything. I don’t think he can get as close to Cornyn as he did to Cruz, but it’s the position he should be focused on and it’ll keep his face fresh in Texas and then he can beat Cruz next time around. 

Beto did well against Ted Cruz because it’s Ted Fucking Cruz and everybody hates his stupid guts. Beto’s not running against Cornyn because people like Cornyn and there’s no way Beto could oust him.

Yeah it’s pandering. We tell post-natal women, “Aww sweetie, you are gorgeous!” But nobody WANTS to look that way. Mom of 3 here. Nobody is HAPPY to have stretch marks and extra weight. Sure if I had to choose a bikini body or my kids, most days I’d choose my kids (winky face) but that doesn’t mean I don’t want my

*big sarcastic clap that I’d find a gif for but I don’t know how*