^^^ THIS! Stop fucking telling us what to do. We don’t need your permission. We don’t need your validation. We don’t need your advice.
^^^ THIS! Stop fucking telling us what to do. We don’t need your permission. We don’t need your validation. We don’t need your advice.
HA! Giving birth is the easy part. Taking care of a baby is hard as fuck.
My husband and I took our toddler out for pizza this weekend. It went as expected; we spent the entire time chasing him away from the kitchen, the bathroom and from bothering other tables. I had a woman comment to me that it was so nice that my husband “helped” by taking turns watching him. Really lady? It’s his…
The Liz Claiborne line at JCPenney has some great non-polyester pieces. They also have great work wear pieces that actually fit a normal person.
I don’t care what other people think of my post-baby body. Growing and birthing a human being is fucking bad-ass. I’m proud of my body, no matter what it looks like.
2-3 uses and then I wash them. My husband would use one for weeks/months if I let him, but I do not.
I don’t shave everyday. Maybe once a week? More during the summertime. You’re not weird.
Keep pretending, but you’re definitely the only one NOT peeing in that shower.
That’s fair. I’ll allow it. For the record, I’m glad you’re #TEAMSIT and not #TEAMHOVER.
If I lived in a warm climate and wore sandals all the time, I’d probably wash and moisturize my feet, but it’s cold 8 months out of the year where I live, so yeah, there’s no reason. My feet rarely see the light of day.
Yeah, balancing on one foot in a wet shower sounds like a recipe for a broken arm and a concussion, but you do you!
I cross the line at snot rockets. Only because we have a drain catch for hair and the snot ends up in the mesh and then I have to clean it out while trying not to throw up.
I’ll compromise by washing my feet in the summertime when they get dirty from wearing sandals, but that’s it. Otherwise, my feet are in shoes and socks 90% of the time, and I’m not a very sweaty person, so bending down to wash them every shower just ain’t happening. Yes, I’m lazy.
I don’t wash my legs or my feet and I pee in the shower. IDGAF!
Agree to disagree!
I got two sets of crystal candlesticks (also a third set in marble). Because apparently I live in a castle?
Northerner here, we don’t care about thank you notes.
When I was breastfeeding, I had to go off dairy and soy because I had a super colicky reflux infant. So many people brought us snacks or made us dinner with a shit ton of cheese and I couldn’t eat any of it!
Just like someone isn’t entitled to a gift, you’re not entitled to a thank you. Give the gift because you want to, not because you’re expecting a thank you note.
Oh god, the “digital baby shower”. Fuck off with that nonsense. One of my friends did these.