
YUP. Their new motto is “MGTOW” aka Men Going Their Own Way. There is a trash dumpster subreddit dedicated to this lifestyle. Basically, men who have given up on themselves, but still continue to blame the ebil feminazis for ruining all the fun.

DDL is hot AF.

I’m not sure that I know the difference between Dena and Angelina, nor do I really care.

Um, I’m female and my entire daily toiletry list includes like 6 things: shampoo, conditioner, body wash, toothpaste, deodorant and moisturizer. Maybe a dab of mascara if I’m feeling fancy. Some of us ladies are low maintenance too!

As an atheist, I generally agree with your statement.


Gorgeous? That’s generous.

One time when I was living in the City, a transformer blew right next to my window while I was sleeping and I thought it was the end of times. Loudest explosion I’ve ever heard in my life!

I grew up in CT and there is actually a town called Moodus that gets hundreds of tiny earthquakes every year. Most of them are too small to feel, but will cause objects to move and shake like this. One time I remember sitting at dinner and my glass started to shimmy across across the table. Freaked me out!

When I was 18, I drove home late one night and parked the car in the driveway. I went inside the house and about 20 minutes later, looked out the window and noticed the interior light was still on in the car. I thought it was odd because I definitely remember slamming the car door shut, but thought perhaps another

Red velvet cake, obvi.

Get a red riding hood coat. You won’t be disappointed. This one is from LLBean.

This is where I grew up. Can confirm. We filled our pillowcases within a 1/4 mile radius. Maximum candy, minimum time, minimum walking.

Eewwwww, drumettes are the worst. #teamwingette

New Haven pizza or GTFO.

I feel bad for that baby.

They were interviewing a woman on the news last night who was being rescued and she kept saying, “God is good y’all, God is so good!”

Sorry Shafia (or whatever your name is), you are no Diane Kruger.

Anything is better than this shit.

I’m not sure which “she” you’re referring to, but both of the victims are not from the US and have accents and the blonde woman is not a native English speaker. Perhaps that is why their speech sounded off?