You’re welcome! The website has a lot more good info. That’s where we got our kit from.
You’re welcome! The website has a lot more good info. That’s where we got our kit from.
My trick is to melt a pat of butter in the pan, mop up the melted butter with a slice of bread, set that piece aside, melt another pat of butter in the pan, put the second piece of bread in the pan, add cheese, top with the pre-buttered slice that I set aside, wait for it to toast, flip and squish it down with the…
We get a lot of sap from just a few trees. We probably get 10-15 gallons of sap from each tree. It does take about 40 gallons of sap to make one gallon of syrup. But a gallon of syrup is a lot of syrup when you think about it!
It’s more about diameter size than age. An old tree will likely be bigger, which means you can probably have more than one tap. We have a big sugar maple that we put two taps on. Sugar maples are the best because they have more sugar in the sap, which means you need less sap for boiling down. Norway maples (and other…
I concur. DC/MD drivers are the absolute worst. And I live in Boston, I know shitty drivers.
Ughhh...fucking Ariana Grande. Just please go away already!!
My husband and I have been making our own maple syrup for the past 3 years. It’s pretty easy (albeit time consuming), but is completely dependent on the weather. You need temps below freezing at night but over freezing during the day, in order for the sap to run. That’s why the spring is the best time for sugaring.
You haven’t lived unless you’ve eaten a junior beef three way.
Honestly thought he was wearing a Spinal Tap nightgown for a minute.
North Shore 4 Lyfe!
me too!
I’m oddly attracted to him. He’s like a poor man’s Ewan McGregor.
Please name your child ALLCAPS.
I have this same fear, but I’m about 99% sure he’ll die while in office.
Cult in the sense of brainwashed nonsense. They all meet that criteria.
Aren’t all churches cults?
Six dollars?!?!
I feel you. I’m about one more Nazi salute away from Von Trapping this bitch.
Armed liberal over here!