
Similar situation here. Its not Thanksgiving I’m worried about. We’ll be celebrating with my family, a bunch of progressive Connecticut liberals. It’s Christmas that I’m truly terrified for. We’re visiting my husband’s family, a bunch of die-hard Reagan Republicans. The last time we went to their house, I got into a

We are armed. I’m a pacifist but I’m not going to just roll over when theses Neo-Nazis come knocking on my door.

Seconded! I would have saved all of that money and stress and just done a quick civil ceremony instead of trying to appease my religious family members by getting married in a church followed by a lavish country club reception (because his snotty ass parents wouldn’t have any less), oh and don’t forget the obligatory

Why the hell would you ever want your MIL in the delivery room? My own mom wanted to be in the delivery room with me and I gave her a hard pass.

Moi aussi.

Whenever as asshole parks in a fire lane I always leave a note that says, “next time you will be towed - the management”.

Shiny Cock Canal. (Snort) 

Who needs standards anymore, amirite?!

In other words, I voted for Donald Trump.

Pro-life except when talking about the second amendment and our god given right to shoot black people.

Please for the love of god stop making this live action trash.

Legit question - do UU churches accept atheists? Like, would they accept and respect my POV but still allow me to be part of the discussion and congregation? Or do you need to have at least a belief in God?

I have no respect for any Trump voter today and that includes many family members and friends. I doubt I’ll ever look at them the same. I am changed. We are all changed.

I still haven’t called my mom. I can’t. I feel like I failed her.

He would have won because he’s a man. Plain and simple.

I’ve wavering between not wanting to ever bring another human being into the world and wanting to get pregnant with #2 as quickly as possible in the event I need an abortion and it’s not available in the near future.

You nailed it for me. The loss of innocence I’m feeling it staggering. It’s very similar to how I felt post 9/11. This disbelief that we live in a world with such terrible people.

I told someone today that I was sorry to be born a woman. I am truly in a dark place.

As a rape survivor, having watched my attacker continue to live his life with ZERO consequence, I am having serious PTSD.