THANK YOU...I thought I was the only one.
THANK YOU...I thought I was the only one.
Actually I am, but thanks for judging without knowing anything about me.
This story brings up so many feelings for me. When I was 17, I was raped by my high school boyfriend and got pregnant. I was a virgin and not ready for the responsibility of sex or parenting. I was extremely ashamed and never reported the rape and felt that I was better off not telling anyone, rather than face my…
As a fellow birthmother who placed her baby up for adoption 15 years ago, thank you for sharing your story.
Or you know, she could have been raped and got pregnant and felt so much shame and humiliation that she couldn’t bare to tell anyone, so she just pushed all of the feelings down inside to a place where she didn’t have to admit the reality of her situation.
We have the same spiders where I live in Massachusetts. They’re harmless. Big as fuck, but harmless. They like to hang out in door jambs for some odd reason.
As someone who went to a wedding with a food truck and left hungry because there was a ridiculous line the entire evening, please take my advice and don’t go the food truck route.
I have an extended warranty and get charged a $100 flat rate every time I come in. If I can bundle a bunch of maintenance into one appointment, it saves me a bunch of money.
Pretty much exactly what went through my head. Just shut. the. fuck. up.
cavernous vaginas unite!
A few years ago I tried those Rephresh tampons that were supposed to balance out the PH of my vag, which in hindsight makes no sense, but I totally fell for the marketing. I ended up getting the WORST yeast infection. So, yeah, I’ll stick with my Kotex/Tampax, thanks. No more “natural” bullshit for me.
While I’ve never lost a tampon up there for two weeks, I’ve had similar experiences with forgetting I already have one in and putting another one in and then when I go to pull it out, I get a bonus tampon.
Yeah, these all seem pretty tame to me.
I’m 31 weeks and the only food aversion I’ve had my entire pregnancy has been the benign cucumber. The smell and taste make me want to puke buckets, which is crazy because cucumbers don’t even have a smell or taste. Hormones are weird!
The hinted sexism in this article is astounding.
Yeah, fire is bad news. As the article mentions, all submariners are trained firefighters as well. As far as hull breaches go, depending on location and size, it may be able to be contained with watertight doors and ballast measures, but if too many compartments are compromised or the breach is in a critical function…
If I’m not mistaken, this looks like the command room from the USS Missouri. I just took a tour of this ship this May while she was at port in Groton, CT. I was blown away by all the new touchscreens. They don’t even have a periscope anymore, they just get a live feed on the screen from a camera mounted on top of the…
Those are torpedos, but it should be noted there are fire suppressants all over the ship, including the bunk areas. Fire on board a sub is probably one of the scariest scenarios.
“There’s an old wives’ tale that submariners tend to have more daughters.”
Who the fuck makes guacamole with mayonnaise?!