
I know, such detail!

I am also not a clean person. #teamdirt

I like your kid.

My husband does this. If he sees somebody drop something, he'll pick it up and catch up to them and say, "you dropped this." I told him he's going to get himself shot. I mean, I hate litterbugs as much as the next person, but I don't like to mess with people who are known assholes.

Bless those girls for ganging up on him and not each other.

The trick is remembering that I bought it. I buy stuff, hide it away in a closet somewhere and then find it like 3 years later. I need to throw more shit away.

I don't have an issue with people buying gifts. I buy Christmas gifts all year long. My issue is with the decorations.

Agreed...I knew there was more to this story.

Let's hope so.


But it's more fun to continue the stereotype by continuing to call it that!

They already own the house.

The private entity known as the Raymond Duy Baird Memorial Association owns the house, not the national fraternity.

As a member of the Wesleyan administration, perhaps you can explain how the school plans to "ban" students from congregating at an off campus house?

Beta Theta Pi owns the house, which is different than any of the other fraternities on campus. I really don't understand how the administration plans to "ban" students from going there. It is no different than students congregating at any other off campus house.

It is an official fraternity. The school, however, does not recognize it as such.

Your article is extremely misleading. Two things you conveniently failed to mention:

But is it "Untitled"?

Am I the only one that just does not GET this commercial? I have no idea what they are saying, why they are saying it or why the hell they keep switching scenes. Makes absolutely no sense.

Well, she is a husky.