
A career saving (creating?) move for the guy, apparently. Seriously, how are the O’s so bad at developing pitching?

didn’t even have to scroll down for it.

Donnie Storm, Anas AlHakim, SirHellsing420. In that order.

I’m usually pretty mild-mannered when it comes to playing (and losing at) video games, but DS basically turns me into my 15 year-old playground-self, hurling obscenities and talking trash. It’s so much fun.


I am not allowed to have that many Haribo gummy bears at once.

I am not allowed to have that many Haribo gummy bears at once.

These photos have been amazing. My wife and I are taking a 25 day trip through Japan in June, and I can’t stop checking out these photos in anticipation. Thanks!

IF you’re DC everything else (Bullets, Redskins, Capitals) or a former Senators fan, then yes, I’ll issue the free pass.

Agreed! The mid/late 90's and Cal were great. Then 16 years of shit (How do you not at least accidentally trip, fall, and land on a decent pitching prospect?). I’ve earned this by not dumping my team or running to the Nationals with all the other TRUE band-wagoners. O’s, baby!

“Of course, that doesn’t change the fact that they ruined what was arguably the greatest scene in the entirety of the comic run and completely dropped the ball on what could have been the best finale in the series.”

Holy Crap, ‘New York’ is still on TV somewhere?

I agree. Everything up to the Iron Giant was empty, boring, and simple. Camera was terrible and too close over the shoulder, resulting in some vertigo-inducing moments when caught in corners. Definitely still interested in the game, but this demo pushed me into wait-and-see mode.

Virginia sucks for drivers. 81 and 66 are plagued by cops just itching to give tickets.


Very few redeeming qualities (shown) for those in the cast. The Toms seem genuine (though hanging out with them for more than 5 minutes would be an impossibility). Lala (who just seems young and immature) is who she is. Ariana seems like she hates everyone more than i do (a positive in my book). The rest of them are

100% OK with this rule (and all the subsequent child-like whining from the players) if it means nobody tears anyone’s knees up and everyone gets to keep playing. While there may not be an “intent” to injure, these guys know exactly what they’re doing....cut that shit out.

The socks don’t look too bad....but not for $29.

I waited tables and took sick pleasure in A) leaving plates until people correctly placed their silverware at the 5 o’clock position, and B) attempting to take plates away (especially when they were obviously not finished) when they were accidentally placed there. Yeah, it was asshole-ish, but well...i guess that’s

is it weird/unacceptable to bring your own chopsticks to a restaurant? I have my own pair, but always thought it would be a bit pretentious (obviously not bringing them to happy hour, that would definitely be a little over-the-top - this would be for an evening dinner).