
I’ve watched the show since Talk Soup, but its gone off the rails. More time is spent on the intro videos for each category (don’t get me started on the ridiculous Clip of the Week nonsense, they could show three clips in the time it takes them to make that stupid dog do something asinine), the joke writing has gone


“I feel like a little worm on a big fuckin’ hook!” is still one of my favorite movie lines of all time.

How is the ‘obnoxious FM morning Shock Jock DJ’ still a thing? Those two are pathetic.

Best DLC of all time.

(Editor’s Note: A ‘Skins fan is a racist?! WELL I NEVER!)

.38 is the SHIIIIITTTT!!!!! Only pens I’ve used (and kept track of) until they’re actually out of ink.

.38 is the SHIIIIITTTT!!!!! Only pens I’ve used (and kept track of) until they’re actually out of ink.

Band of Brothers was fantastic.

RG3 has way more upside than Cousins right now, and is NOWHERE NEAR as bad as people think (or as bad as Cousins), but that $16 mil injury hit is just too much to take on. McCoy sees the field before RG3, but all that would mean is Cousins and Gruden are out jobs. For better or worse (it will be worse), they HAVE to