Needs more Dazzler.
Needs more Dazzler.
Completely agree about Ollie's sister. What bothers me more, though, is that he seems to feel badly after she tells him off. I would have LOVED it if the show did the unexpected, and had him respond with, "Shut up. Just shut up. I was on a FRIKKING island for five years. Shut. Up."
"...we've got to protect ourselves. "
Kirk shouts Khan. Khan shouts his name.
That's a really good point... I've actually never thought of that. After a while I guess he does have the potential to be shooting blanks. Boy, being a part teenager-part spider is a tough gig!
You're right. Post Disassembled/The Other he gets bio-webs, and they're taken away by the deal with the devil. It all makes perfect sense actually... except that his webs should really come out of his...
The whole Ultimate Universe is just a blur to me... and it's the post-Disassembled Spiderman with the bio-webs, not the Ultimate one, so my bad on that.
Let them copy the Avengers - wouldn't we all love to see a scene with Supes smacking around Luthor the way Hulk did with Loki? (Course... Luthor would die.)
It's actually a HUGE concern that they could run out - which is part of the fun! Suddenly he's faced with the need to find alternative means to get around/ fight.
One of my students did a presentation on Fahrenheit this morning. Passing of a Titan; I'm a better teacher for having read his work.
I only think they're too derivative for a mass film audience.
Better yet, the rise and decline of Ant-Man (see what I did there?).
No... I am your father.
I'm all for Superheroines. I just don't think She H is the place to start. (I don't think Elektra or Catwoman were the places to start either, though.)
Yeah, they know virtually nothing about him. This is part of the problem - although I think some of them have see the Ultimate Avengers animated movies. I think he's a pretty workable character... although then you probably have to include Wasp. Just what this homogeneous group of Avengers needs, right? Another…
Well, there's not much point arguing. Let's just wait and see if She Hulk gets to be in a movie (which would prove me wrong on one count) and then if she's any good (which would prove me wrong again).
Meh. We'll agree to disagree. If I'm wrong, and it happens, and it works, I'll enjoy being wrong.
My issue is less with him than with the idea that the average movie goer will take seriously a guy in Marvel who calls himself Captain Marvel. It's a bit on the nose. Maybe my issue is just more with the name...
In response to both of you, I actually love She Hulk in the comics. But I don't see her on the big screen. I don't think this generation would take her seriously. (Most of my students loved the Avengers, but have no comic book background. When I told them of She Hulk's existence they thought I was joking.)