Jaiden Everett

Franklin bailed his father out of *jail*. No one gets bailed out of prison. Lazy writing.

Elementary used to be such a good show, but it has no life anymore. I miss seeing Sherlock's quirks, like wearing oversize head gear or hanging upside down, waking Joan up with loud noises or putting Clyde in her bed. It seems the pair now often works apart, and it's hard to care about any of the cases.

I miss Clyde.

Quinn was mad at Dar about a lot of things. It doesn't prove he was in love with Astrid.

You should look up the definitions of "honest" and "mean." Clearly, you're confused.

I really don't get why everyone loves Bill so much. She's not that bright, and her accent is awful. Was no one else available to be a Companion?

No, Quinn didn't fall for Astrid. When he and Astrid were at the cabin, he told her "We fucked because we were lonely." She fell for him, he viewed her as a friend with benefits. Also, remember the letter Carrie read at the end of series 5. Quinn loved Carrie. Period.

Yeah, I didn't like that, either. Even with Quinn's overwhelming emotions and lack of impulse control this season, that monkey thing was ridiculous.

It got a B- because it wasn't the best episode of the season. Aside from Quinn getting his angries out, it was predictable and meh. I'd have given it a C-.

Not forgotten so much as no longer important. Quinn has no relationship with either one anymore.

Then you shouldn't scold others until you master the language.

You scolded a commenter for using an acronym, but you can't spell Quinn and Carrie correctly? Please stop posting.

Why Frank? That's just dumb.

Yeah, cry me a river. Learn how to change the channel.

Thank you. Wish this site would get the details straight before writing reviews.

Riker's Island is a jail complex for NYC. It is not a maximum security prison.

Totally agree. He's also not nearly tall enough to be Jake, who was around 6'6" in the book.

It's way past your medication time.

Um. You realize that this is a TV SHOW that has absolutely zero relation to real life, right? Instead of making pointless comparisons and telling us how you would do it better, you might be better served by relaxing and allowing yourself to be entertained.

Mid West, not Wild West. A little proofreading goes a long way.