
Then you miss out on the $100 scrap fee!

Alternate title, “Genius Entrepreneur Finaly Discovers A Way to Turn X-Type Into Profit”

That’s certainly possible. However the original post claimed that they are low speed and high torque, which is correct - but ignores they are high power users on average, which is a critical problem.

Not as good as with

X box One, or a shitty older X box?

They could have their own movie, “Boondock Taints”

This guy’s face, chopped in half, looks like a perfect mirror copy of the other side. It’s disturbing.

“It’s what goes on the f’or of yer truck”

My understanding is that a dealer is separate from the manufacturer, right?

He’s like one of the old travelling pioneers in frontier times that had 20 kids. He accumulates a bunch of his kids so that if some of them die, he can still run the farm.

Exactly what facw said.

Hey, my F-Type R has made it 1000 miles in my hands already and I’ve only had to tow it...once!

Or just not said anything like the last six presidents...

Obama played tactical chess with China, Russia, and their allies; Trump plays tic tac toe.

Believe it or not, me too.

I feel like it would be healthier for our nation if it went back to being the Winston Cup.

Go out on top. That’s the way to do it. More athletes and drivers (ahem*tonystewart*ahem) should do likewise.

A big sarcastic pat on the back to everyone that walked by and didn’t call the police.

*sees multiple instances of “ima” as a word*