
Plot Twist: Ford hired him.

On my facebook this morning

A decent amount of Jalops hate on budget cars in general. Screw ‘em, I <3 my Saturns.

I like the Rodeo! I used to have the pickup version myself!

It’s more work, but I’d rather have it fold out of the door panel, Die Another Day-style:

I mean, it’s a pretty safe bet that nobody driving a convertible with a missile in the front seat has anything to hide.

It’s times like this that we can be grateful that the war on terror is completely fake.

I saw a Corvette triple parked all douche like at Shirakawa-go, a medieval UNESCO straw hut village. Jarring, but I’ve never encountered a Corvette before. So that was nice.

I thought he was going to start drinking it

So it’s for poseur city types that want that “tough” exterior and no real world utility.

I’ve seen those car shades in Vegas, they’re certainly something that I wouldn’t mind seeing more of across the country.

Rooftop are so over rated.

Lights back on, unclear if the tea and biscuits supply has been reestablished yet...

Between this and the Sepp Blatter resignation news, today is a good day.

Only if it’s fitted with the optional Flux Capacitor!


We promise we won't make you watch a show you don't enjoy.

Yeah, you have to be a massive tunnel-visioned idiot to not see a damn tank crawling towards you. It’s not like the tank came speeding around a blind corner, it was likely barely over school zone speeds.

Arrange one thousand watermelons in a straight line on a runway, 2000ft from the start line. Accelerate as fast as possible into the watermelons, but make sure your trunk and windows are completely open. For every whole watermelon that bounces into your car, you may charge $50,000. This is the industry standard.