
If that's all you wanted to see, don't worry. This was such a memorable ice bucket challenge that some idiot somewhere will try to replicate it.

Prople are made up of mostly water. All I have to do is put my fist is some ice cubes for a little while then go around punching people for charity.

Putin blamed Ukrainian neo-Nazis for their demise.

Death by snoo snoo!

It's the perfect platform for donkification!

LOL. The first HD I worked on in 1979 (I was a mainframe engineer with Wang Labs) was the size of a medium sized fridge turned on it's side, weighed around 100kg and had 5 mb fixed and 5 mb removable on a platter that weighed a kilo by itself. And copying removable to fixed took hours. I actually had a system at home

Dodge Challenger, the official car of telling the rest of the world to go fuck itself.

Fun stuff. Back in high school we often had a large dewar of the stuff in our science classroom. The popular game at the time was to sneak up on someone and pour it into someone's pants pocket. I can tell you from firsthand experience that this stuff is shockingly cold...

No driver feedback? Please, its grounded to the ground.

Hopefully the US Navy will keep their drone fully charged over water...

Just Sayin...

I love to drive a car for fun. Commuting to work in traffic is not fun.

They're already here. Notice the ill fitting skin and the light from our sun causes him noticeable discomfort.

Anyone who uses the word 'purist' in relation to a hobby needs to go soak their head. Especially when they follow up with an opinion from 'the overwhelming majority.' The elitism of your comments about an automatic and a foot-brake are the kinds of shit that have given Motorcycle riders a bad name for years. Not only

So, basically, they have an outdoor outlet.

I think we've found our next test.

I respect such a practical choice.

A Ford F-450 Ambulance, Ex-FDNY EMS HAZTAC.
It would be a spiritual successor and would have room for all sorts of ghostbusting gear.

seems fairly straightforward to me