
I visited after spending my whole life in a small Indiana town. I figured it out after wasting a massive amount of money on parking and Uber in one night. 

I took an Uber in New York for one reason and one reason only. I had driven twelve hours and it was literally my first time ever dealing with public transit and it was nye. I figured it out by the end of the night and took a bus where I needed to go and it was far better and far cheaper. 

Well... I guess for some species that would work. 

Some places solve this by using massive fences. At least with deer. 

Yes it did. I thought the original plan was to end it but they are trucking on. 

I have yet to see one that isn’t. 

These are becoming more and more common already and I love it. I fell in love with Kia when I put 80k miles on our used 2014 Kia over the course of two years. It never had even the slightest hiccup through blizzards, monsoons, hot Florida weather and just about anything else we could toss at it. In a couple years I

Except I was replying directly to a comment where he mentioned 10w30(unlike in the story) and due to the sheer amount of Jeeps it would ultimately save home money buying in bulk. 

This is one of those things I want to go to once and never again. Just like when I tried New Years Eve without paying to attend a party. That was the worst fucking experience ever. 

Which is why when I owned an old Ford Taurus it was the number two most stolen car in Detroit right behind the Caravan. 

Rotella 10w30, the Jeep owner’s best friend. Why not buy it by the bucket or barrel at this point?

Do like I did with my XJ: Send it until it blows a cylinder apart and then buy a replacement engine with the intentions of getting around to it eventually.  I get a week and a half during shutdown to try and tackle this at my parent’s 45 minutes away. My fiancée is going to be pissed when I show up at home at 2am

This diluted the Mustang name in the same way the Urus diluted the Lamborghini name or the Cayenne for Porsche or the Cullinan for Rolls Royce. My point is people will gobble it up and be happy while people that wouldn’t buy it bitch. 

And to think if only people could have gotten off their asses for one day he wouldn’t have been president. Hell it didn’t even have to be Election Day with the absentee ballots. 

Fucking blast from the past here. 

I mean this picture doesn’t quite catch the current diversity in manufacturing. But these are definitely the types of guys that are lifers in union positions. 

I saw he should sale it for the value of the transmission. They go for what $300-$500 now right?

66 miles one time. Currently it is 55 miles and takes more time than the 66 mile one did. I’m looking to change to about 7 miles. 

They do like any other retailer. Basically they plan on what people will want based on what they wanted in the past.