
Maybe I’m being obtuse but I felt the gay slurs used in Stranger Things were part and parcel with the vernacular of the day (and later times really). They weren’t calling him gay because he was or had demonstrated his “gayness” in some way off-screen; they were calling him gay because many kids are jerks who called

Dude is enjoying his 15 minutes, and you decide to put him on blast for relatively innocuous comments?

You are such a, very, beautiful nerd. I encourage you to write even when it’s just a fleeting moment in your motivations.

All true, and this sort of thing bugs me too, but in addition, genus and species names should be italicized, e.g. Hylaeus mana.

I don’t mind this kind of callousness from some conservative jerk living in Texas or the midwest, but I find your comment puzzling. Based on your comment, I’m going to figure you’re somewhere left of conservative and go off of that.

To sum this article up:

Howard Dean may have a theory

Side note:

And the Brothers Bloom was even better. I loved Looper and Brick, but the Brothers Bloom was his masterpiece.

The room was hued in gold, cast in slanted light. Soft light from the roiling antimatter ball held in space by probably-alien field-manipuls. Harold Void flicked at the smoldering nub of a cheap cigarillo. He wasn’t surprised when she knocked on the door; mote-cameras had tracked her since she left the rickshaw.

Pretty much some male down the line with mutant toxic sperm did better at reproducing than other males and now that gene has propagated to the rest of the species, and to decendants of that species.

My only regret is that I have boneitis.

Zuckerberg is not a stranger to skeezy moves...

This has bad idea written all over it. Prepare for the future invasion of earth by martians - returning for revenge on their earthling creators.

You’re gonna need a bigger boat.

Explaining the problem in more detail doesn’t change the fact that it’s still a problem. Nor does it excuse said problem.

Look, I couldn’t care less about you pirating or not, but you aren’t a hard-core pirate, you’re just a lecherous hoarder that’s dependent on real pirates. No point in trying to sound cool on the internet, so I don’t even know why you decided to post that.

Such dedication for a complete cheapskate.