
Well, I don’t think Rey is going to become a Jedi in one movie. Took Luke three. Movie might just be largely centered around Luke, who is at the moment the last Jedi.

It’s not a cabinet, it’s a raiding party.

I’m pretty sure this is where criminal intent comes into play. It will be pretty easy for the prosecution to show if they were only trying to generate revenue through lawsuits. If they were trying to actually sell the videos through legitimate means, things might be more blurry.

They should just cut to the point:

I guess this is aimed at pretty young kids. Maybe part of a long term strategy. “Get em while they’re young,” and all that. Realistically they can’t be stupid enough to gear that towards someone who is already capable. Maybe it’s the dawn of a new era of propaganda.

After we had been hunting Al-Qaeda intensely after 9/11, more than one CIA officer talked about how their tradecraft was more stringent than their own (at the time). They’d fwd through 3 houses vs our practice of one, etc. The United States is the Boogeyman to them, they are super paranoid in the way they operate.

It won’t work (in addition to being unconscionable). We know that they have the capability to be very thorough in covering their tracks. It’s not hard for an extremist on a mission to stay off the internet entirely. And they could be any race. It’s such a stupid idea. Big ol dog and pony show.

AotC was thankfully better than tPM. Lucas was absolutely roasted over AotC, and rightfully so. So it wasn’t hard to make a better one. RoS I saw twice in the theater, the lightsaber action was just so fun. And I think it was Lucas’ best of the prequels. But both actors to play Anakin sucked so hard. Wtf?! Hayden

I don’t need no dick bone.

Ed Harris NAILED that schoolboy smile of elated shock. And they just winged him. I think Ford has programmed them to spare him (we all know he’s not dead, come on). And note that every important person was at the gala. Maybe Ford has done this before when the park was threatened. Mind you, even Maeve stayed. Nobody in

Check out Buruli ulcer and Loa loa. Buruli ulcer, we don’t even know the vector. Looked at everything from creeping water bugs to mosquitoes. Remains a mystery.

I’m pretty convinced intelligence is a terminal trait. I don’t expect humans to survive very long. Maybe that’s the case across the universe.

I had not watched the show for a couple years, but just last week decided to catch up. S7e1 was beyond the pale. It’s just cheap (and shitty) writing and directing. I didn’t even bother to watch another episode for a few days, it seemed pretty clear the show had checked out of viability. Negan’s character is

Most likely it will evolve to be a new thing to look out for, much like West Nile. We already have a yellow fever vaccine, and we can treat malaria very effectively as well. The main thing here is that Zika is no longer being approached as emergent. Tactics shift.

Hi. I’m an entomologist. My standard intro without an exclamation mark. Medical entomology is one of my areas of expertise. This article is woefully naive. It lacks fundamental knowledge of tropical disease, how the WHO works, the obstacles they face including funding, and the reality of disease in third world

I think the body being printed in that basement is a Theresa clone. And that much of not all of the board has had the same happen to them. He said outright there have been many before her, and if they were to be placed in the company he runs the whole thing with complete impunity.

Hi, I’m an entomologist. Another neat thing about Iceland is that there are no mosquitoes! There are, however, massive populations of midges (mostly Chironomos and Tanytarsus spp.), and black flies!

Hi, I’m an entomologist! For even more fun, pour some ethyl acetate on it! It’s what we use in kill jars, and melts polystyrene like Alien blood going through a soda can.

I do not like this guy. Wikileaks needs to get rid of him. And Ecuador should take away *all* his communication privileges. So he can be silent and be safe, or pound sand cursing into the wind. I can guess which he’d choose.