
The tweets will be epic when he loses.

Event Horizon was terrifying to me. I watched it once, and it was enough. Maybe not terrifying, but horribly off-putting. No joy in that movie.

Hi! I’m an entomologist. But wasn’t forever. I attended maritime academy earlier in life. Container ships are large, and one could easily be tempted to think they are a huge part of the problem. The reality, however, is that they are one of the, if not the, most efficient means of moving cargo. When I was in academy

Got a survey request from FB. Did it. It was all about how much news I got from FB, if I felt more informed about the news because of FB, etc. They are formulating a plan. An evil, serve the lizard people, Illuminati financed plan. Probably to generate more ad revenue.

You simply have no idea what you’re talking about. The only scientists arguing against anthropogenic global warming are doing so out of their hubris, and not science.

Hello. I’m an entomologist. Which is to say, I have extensive education in ecology (which intrinsically means populations) and many peers studying these problems. I would like to share a concern I have about this cluster of problems.

I’ve never had a tin hat, but I’m about to make one. This is creepy af.

FWIW, I spoke briefly to the second on the article. Some morphological features were discussed, seems my own idea is as plausible as any other. Of course, in the end we’ll never know.

Hi, I’m an entomologist. This is really interesting to me. As others have noted, there are other wingless wasps. There are also wingless flies. Even wingless moths. So that’s not particularly surprising. It’s interesting to me that the legs are being interpreted as saltatorial. The tarsi are thin, and the arolium and

Ironically, it’s the European honeybees that displaced many native species.

Hi, I’m an entomologist. I was hoping to point out that the terms species, genus, and family are all very specific (no pun intended) in biology. Hylaeus is a genus, not a species. In binomial, the genus is capitalized, the species lower case. If you don’t know the species, you replace it with sp. If you are referring

Doesn’t Apple own some headphone company? I wonder if they have a plan to push wireless headphones... :/

Young people can’t get work either...

Equal but different doesn't work.

I’m an entomologist for some context. Braconid is the informal family name of Braconidae. They’re not actually obscure if you’re involved in any sort of agro or invasive control field. They’re parasitoids, and we use them extensively in biocontrol. Which should be it’s own article on Gizmodo. The capabilities of wasps

It’s a run on with lots of comma splicing. Many subject/verbs that should be independent sentences. It’s horrendous writing.

Terra Nova. Such an awesome guilty pleasure show.

All anyone really wants to know is who hooked up with who.

Much ado. Rape is horrible, burning a child alive is horrible, lopping off penises is horrible, etc ad nauseum. All this post does is highlight one atrocity in a work of violent fiction. Why highlight just this? Being so hell-bent on being offended must be tiring.

Her character was so quintessentially 80's it resonated strongly. It was a bit before my high-school time, but my sister graduated in 90. Barb looks just exactly what some of my sister’s friends looked like at the time (~86-90). She perfectly played the throwback, she fit the series perfectly.