
My girlfriend at the time and I had three dogs. Home by myself, I went to take a dump and left the door open so I could listen to Mike and Mike (I know) and I guess our oldest dog Walter wanted to get away from the younger dogs so he came waltzing in, almost like grandpa with a newspaper under his arm, took his front

Jesus James Christ — The Decision and Durant are apples and goddamned pineapples (which are unimpeachably more different from apples than oranges even though, yes, “apples” is in their name, which I didn’t realize until I typed it). James called his fucking shot. He said, I’m going to bring a title to Cleveland because

Just as a point of fact, Pittsburgh’s city colors (i.e., the city flag) were black and gold before any of the city’s teams adopted them, the colors having come from William Pitt’s coat of arms. /pedant.

Rooting for a particular sports team, making the investment of time and money, retaining the loyalty of the customer base most likely to continue to pay money for your product, prior to this not permanent era of bloated television contracts (a bubble that will pop), involves buying two myths:

2007 Fiesta Bowl - Boise State over Oklahoma. Goddamn that was a great game.

The term “second world” referred to the communist bloc. That hasn’t existed for twenty five years. Making the division of countries into first, second, and third worlds archaic and useless. Do you think it is some kind of ranking of which countries are best? Switzerland and Sweden were third world, or unaligned

Brazil is ... not a second world country. In these archaic and useless terms, it was considered non-aligned or third world.

For the IOC to award an olympics to a city that is an infrastructure shithole that also happens to have some of the largest slums in the world and tell them to spend billions to host a 3 week party? Follow the money.

I wouldn’t call Ichiro the ‘best hitter who ever lived” but he’s somewhere on the list of the top 50 or so..
I honestly don’t know why people (i.e. Rose) are losing their shit over this. Ichiro has the most number of professional hits. Rose has the most MLB hits. Neither mark detracts from the other man.
When I was a