
Due to PA’s byzantine alcohol laws, every town in PA has a shitty pizza joint kept afloat by take out beer. The food is crap, but they are the most convenient way to get beer so gotta keep ‘em open.

Officer: Mr. Robinson your car is slowly sinking into the pond.

It goes surname-given name in Japan (Suzuki Ichiro) is the possible mix up that comes to my mind. Still that seems stupid.

I love Mythbusters, but their methodology is notably flawed in many episodes. They were racing a car against another car being dropped from a crane one time, and I’m like “A tenth grader could figure this out with a pencil and piece of paper.” Another time they were trying to see if zig-zagging would help one elude a

Thank you Mr./Ms. swummed. It’s like a drill to the ear every time someone uses the phrase ‘3rd World’ to mean ‘poor and underdeveloped’.

Creating a burner to let Mr. Magary know he would not be able to keep the president’s poop. The secret service has a special traveling executive bathroom for the president. They don’t want enemies of state to get the waste and figure out what kind of medical shape the president is or is not in.