Freida Peeple

the cornerstone of rightwing ideology is historical revisionism. these same people you see sucking up to Herr Drumpf will claim they had never even met him once he gets hauled off to the loonie bin or prison.

A high ranking elected official in league with the Russians? Sorry but that's just too preposterous.

as his last official act Prez Trump will rile up the rednecks that got him elected and send them out into the streets for our very own night of shattered glass. but just remember folks according to the dimbulbs dumfux and dittoheads we're the nazis.

network television is nothing more than cobbled together marketing strategies and conference calls to their unpaid interns working social media.

I suppose it could be a double-bluff with Radcliffe trying to figure out who The Superior is.

I made the mistake of actually watching "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D" on ABC the other night and was treated to the triumphant announcement that they had scored the first no-holds barred interview with Trump. NO QUESTIONS OFF LIMITS. Uh-huh. Sure. (god these people sicken me)

and when the whole sorry mess blows up in all our faces they'll have a good fat laugh about it.


soon as I saw that half submerged Statue Of Liberty I though "Hey…didn't NYC have one of those too?"

actually it's a deflated nuclear football.


…and yet somehow 62 million Americans voted for this fool. What does that say about them?

didn't Grounds Keeper Willie get in trouble for that?

yep that's how we're currently handling our "president".

pre-trimester since it never actually…oh never mind

soiled condoms and assholes. yep that pretty much sums up Piers Morgan.

I remember when Piers Morgan first turned up on our shores. There was a cry of "Volley Loo" from across the pond followed by a splash and the most rancid smell. Then there he was, demanding his own TV show.

Sorry to hear that @mcgregor_ewan - you should be big enough to allow people different political opinions. You're just an actor after all.

what next : the wookie rape scene?

and this is who Americans look to for leadership and guidance.