Freida Peeple

God this is going to be embarrassing. Meanwhile Vlad Putin and Nigel Hyphen Nigel Farage are the only two foreign leaders congratulating him. Well them and maybe PM Yahoo from Israel although given that Herr Drumpf has the support of the American Nazi Party they might want to keep that on the down-low.


CBS News was once the gold standard of journalism. Edward R.Murrow Walter Cronkite Dan Rather not to mention 60 Minutes.Then they flushed it all down the toilet to appease GWB and replaced Dan Rather with Katie…I'm sorry…Katherine Couric and gave Rush Limbaugh his own segment on the evening news because that would

I Salute You


I believe they call it Jew-Repellent but it's also designed to target vegans as well.

that's "godless drug taking fornicators" to you mate.

he's literally taking office with a worse approval rating than some of history's most despised presidents. and The Sally Quinn Brigade can't wait to curry favor with him.

you have to wonder how many other people turned down this movie first.

Let's Take A Ride And See What's Mine

much like Star Trek they need to stop incorporating time travel into the premise. it's a big universe. go explore.

he deliberately wakes her up early so he has someone to talk to. He then proceeds to present an innocent face to his new friend/captive, and to charm/manipulate her into the sexual relationship he’s secretly been plotting for the two of them the whole time.

if Hollywood was a Wall Street investment firm forensic accountants would be going over the books to see where the money really went.

Howard’s minority partners Whit (Edward Norton), Claire (Kate Winslet), and Simon (Michael Peña) conspire to wrest control by hiring three struggling actors (Helen Mirren, Keira Knightley, and Jacob Latimore) to randomly sneak up on him on the subway or while he’s eating and pretend to be personifications of death,

much like the celluloid turd-bomb "London Has Fallen" you have to wonder where all the money went. if this was a Wall Street investment firm forensic accountants would be going over the books with a fine toothed comb.

if Hollywood actually was run like Wall Street investors would be going over the books on this one to see where all the money went.

Tabloid Journalism at its finest. Jeff Zucker over at (what used to be) CNN must be so jealous now.

only humans do that. aliens lack that particular trait.

Dr.Sim is an alien. it wouldn't occur to him that first you empty the gun then you throw it at the guy. that's how it's done here on Earth.

The movie "Cruel Intentions 2" originally started out as the pilot episode for a proposed TV-Series "Manchester Prep" back in 2000. The 3 Episodes made were never aired after controversy erupted over the infamous horseback riding scene with Kerri Lynn Pratt. Instead it was re-edited into one movie with added nudity