Freida Peeple

people who suffer from mental illness can be and often are victims of physical abuse because no one believes them when they report it.

It’s tempting to think that Hollywood is slitting its own throat with egregiously awful films like Suicide Squad and Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2.

I Never Lost Control

he also did afew turns on "Married…With Children"

This Is Who Americans Elected President

producers by-and-large aren't creative people. they're supposed to protect their property from the meddling suits who might tamper with it. unfortunately the producer in this case is a suit hellbent on homogenizing an acquired taste and making it palatable to people who have no interest in watching the program.

he's white old and male. that's all they care he's not smarter or more sophisticated than they are.

why is it that every Trump supporter has the word "former" or "failed" before their job description. it's like the whole freaking lot of them have an enormous chip on their shoulder because things didn't quite go the way they wanted or thought it should have.

of course the First Lady should be afforded the honor and dignity of having members of congress yelling at her…

because The Beltway Media and The Sally Quinn Brigade regard her as the second coming of Nancy Reagan.they intend to spend the next 4 years partying with her.she's their Eva Braun. by 2018 when the sh*t circus goes into hyperdrive they'll run scurrying into their plausible deniability bunkers.

she and Jerry Hall plan on being very merry widows…soon.

I gave up on election night. I guess democrats had better things to do than vote. I'm sure it was real important.

that's OK 'cuz Kid Rock and Ted Nugent think he's gonzo. maybe he could put them in charge of the National Endowment For The Arts.

and we've got 4 more years of this. but that's OK. democrats obviously had better things to do on election day than vote.

Rolling Coal Confederate Flags and a 4th Grade Education. but us godless commie liberals are the dumfux.brilliant

the next 4 years are going to be awful and awfully funny. in fact scratch that. 2 with Brexit the buyer's remorse has already begun.

Ash time traveled back to the middle ages at the end of "Evil Dead II" so the lawyers can go suck it. no infringement on "Army Of Darkness".

they were ahead of their time

Speaking of the Darkhold: That book still looks stupid.

Sheridan LeFanu published most of his short stories in magazines of that era. he did not bother to keep copies and unlike his contemporaries Charles Dickens and Arthur Conan Doyle no one bothered to preserve the originals.