Freida Peeple

Is Audrey still in a coma and if so is she "The Dreamer" ?

Right now your arteries are screaming out "He'll Kill Us All!"

Oh man Elvis loved those and he lived to be…what…almost 50!

The Hybrid is Jenny from "The Doctor's Daughter". Obvious Ain't It?

the epilogue in which she experiences the guilt of every life she has taken…ultimately including her own.

Alex Jones is channeling Sam Kinison…oh and BTW…did those shirtless pictures of AJ remind anyone else of Stretch Armstrong?

Is it possible that Laura Palmer has been "returned" and this is what's causing her mother to suffer that very public breakdown?

The BBC shared the news with a little video on Twitter, showing a hooded Whittaker stepping toward her TARDIS in a wooded area. (The outfit she’s wearing probably isn’t eccentric enough to be her official Doctor costume, but you never know.)

"The Feast Of Saturn" (P.S. the little girl is clearly Bill. Didn't anyone else notice who the lady taking care of her was?).

check out the Millennium S03 episode "Matryoshka" from 1999

Missy doesn't remember this event because she short circuited cosmic history (ala "Mawdryn Undead"). Bill winds up restored Missy / The Master get lost and The Doctor winds up regenerating having lost his oldest friend.

Yes this is the "Senor Drool Cup" of the revived series

When Kit Pedler created The Cybermen back in 1966 he called them "The Star Monks" and offered up the idea that their bodies had atrophied to the point where they were replaced with cybernetics.

the "Out-Of-Order" sign was a callback to "The War Machines"(1965). As The Doctor was walking around that alien planet it suddenly struck me who Peter Capaldi reminded me of : Peter Cushing in "Daleks Invade Earth 2150 AD"(1966).

…and I'm generous enough in spirit to be OK with that…this time. But don't push your luck.

I For One Welcome Our New Robot Overlords

The Party That Couldn't Vote Straight. But don't worry Red State America they'll get their act together long enough to cut corporate taxes and eliminate the EPA. Just think of all the extra money you'll be able to earn shoveling pig sh*t into your own drinking water.

The Three Doctors was technically The Two Doctors as William Hartnell was in failing health and could only appear in brief pre-taped inserts. The 5 Doctors was technically The 3 Doctors as only Troughton Pertwee and Davison appeared.

If you have issues here's a tissue

Wait…there are still drive-ins?