Freida Peeple

and yet somehow this is all Obama's fault.

Why Even Bother Anymore…

that's OK I hear Donald Trump has a new book coming out

WISEGUY…loved it but not so sure how well it would've held up.

if Pablo is bound to the book then he can't die. but that also means they cannot destroy the book without killing him.


Speaking of Ashy Slashy, when Kelly looks around for the missing puppet in the room, did anyone else recall Mr. Marbles from Seinfeld?

he's getting his own spin-off : Evil Dead Junior

he could become like Kenny on "South Park".

Not to worry. While it's true that Trump supporters are by-and-large white nationalists his loyalties are strictly with the Russians.

they refused to treat him like an actual candidate preferring instead to go the fluffy-news route. but now they get to party with 1st "Lady" Melania Trump.

remember it was Schumer and his buddy Marco Rubio who went off kissing Roger Ailes "ring" and sweet talking Rush Limbaugh to get them not to attack immigration reform. of course Schumer also opposed the Iran Nuclear Deal and helped over ride Obama's veto allowing people to sue foreign governments (or possibly even our

Cheryl: “You look different, what happened to you?” Ash: “Pancakes?”

Homer Simpson Investment Tip

all-time scariest movie hands down was "Georgie Girl". I first saw it on Count Floyd's Monster Chiller Horror Theatre as a kid and boy was it terrifying. I still remember yelling at the TV "Look Out James Mason She's Right Behind You!"

I really loved his work on "Married…With Children" especially when he did the internal monologue voice of Buck Bundy.

I stopped watching this show several years ago. the only reason I checked in now was to confirm why I did so. following the graphic novel Negan winds up with his throat slit locked up crapping into a pail. so what? the series has sunk to the level of a slasher film. it doesn't even qualify as torture porn.

for anyone who has ever rolled their eyes at Japanese tentacle porn this fight scene was an absolute godsend. how many action heroes out there have ever delivered such lines as "Don't you suck my johnson" and "Get your dick out of my face"?

zen koan or zenn cohen which ever you prefer

well he is infallible