Happier times, my friends, happier fucking times
Happier times, my friends, happier fucking times
Sorry to be the nit-picky one, but it’s Kansas City, MO
Didn’t know this was a thing... off to write my email now. It’s felt like a nuclear bomb went off within some parts of HHS. Yay for sharing how fucked all of us Feds feel.
This sounds solidly like about 90% of my dates in DC.
A) Thank you SOOOO much for this. I just recently discovered my love of FPS games and purchased battlefield 1. I’ve really needed a beginners guide to multiplayer for this game and this is super helpful.
Just another reminder that if you’re a girl YOU (your safety, your health, your well-being, your sanity, your sense of worth) don’t matter.
I went to bed so happy - I woke up to so many tweets and fb posts about Hilary being fed lines through an ear piece.
This is like saying people with more fast twitch fibers shouldn’t be allowed to sprint because they have an unfair competition advantage. Bodies are different and the line is drawn at what your body does naturally vs artificial enhancement. So when you say you can’t have it both ways in this instance, you are being…
I'm so sick of people not being able to understand that you can be personally pro-life, but also believe that everyone else should be able to make their own choice and have a way to excersize that choice if it is right for them.
I’m happy with the outcome, and a Hilary supporter.
I have a friend who bought an AR-15 in FL using an out of state ID with void stamped through it. He then checked in on a plane and flew it home. It is SO SO easy to get these weapons and dealers often don't follow the minimal rules that are in place.
Not going to lie- as someone with December tickets, it is definitely a bummer. That being said, I think that Lin-Manuel is smart enough to leave us with someone phenomenal in his place. I am excited to see what new talent he finds and for the amazing opportunity that another minority actor will get.
Is it possible to get John Oliver to do a piece on this? Can we send a petition to his producers?
How dare you speak ill of Hook, sir.
But, but the transgender folk are why our children aren’t safe.
Completely forgetting about superdelagates for a wee moment- Hilz has received over a million more votes than Bernie.
#realtears for Nina. It had to happen, but I loved her so much and hate how her story went down (even if it was realistic to what would have happened to ppl during that particular time in the Soviet regime).
Upon first glance all I could think was “damn, girl need to brush her teeth baaaaad”
It’s just a touch sad that, although ironically, she’s not that far off by calling it a sale.