
War is the boogeyman, my friend. You’re either anti-war or you support the perpetual indefinite war that is the current state of affairs.

Hey all you so called liberals. When are you going to start giving a shit about our president bombing innocent people and referring to them as collateral damage? Ask bernie how he feels about drone warfare (he supports it). where did all the anti war liberals go? Only anti war when a Republican is in office???

Nice try on understanding the point. Women of this world live in daily fear of men. If you don’t understand that, then you should educate yourself or butt out of these types of conversations. Your condescension is misplaced mysoginy (I’m guessing) and you should go elsewhere.

What’s your point with this post? What narrative are you peddling here? I’m genuinely asking.

People can react however they please on a public forum. You’re not the reaction police. Countless women have to directly or indirectly deal with fears that this will happen to them too. It’s not women vs. men. It’s REALITY ! If solidarity around this trajedy makes you uncomfortable, you should frequent a different

Dude who runs a huge Christian home schooling company. Never been married and has been accused of harrassment/assault by several women. Bill Gotthard.

I went to the doctor for a rash on my arms when I was 21 (turned out to be harmless) and the doctor I saw had me strip down to my bra and underwear to check me out. No prob. Then he proceeded to get a second AND third opinion from two other young male physicians. I was so creeped out. I knew they were in there to look

Holy shit! You manage to be just the perfect amount of patronizing, condescending and arrogant in your responses to me for me to know what an unpleasant person you must be. But hey, what do you expect in the jezebel comments section :)

Was my comment any more glib or inappropriate than your urge to scour the Web to find a similar news story in order to prove a point? And what point exactly were you trying to prove? I don’t need you to mansplain what a generalization is and I certainly don’t need a dissertation to understand that not all men are

No, that does not accurately summarize my reasoning. Lol @“viciousness and vulgarity you display in you ad hominem attacks” further proves my point as to your lack of objectivity and knee-jerk defensiveness. And yes, you missed a lot, like the point.

You lack intellect and logic when you respond to the idea of men being violent with “women are violent too!”. I used hyperbole to make a point that violence against women is a huge social issue. If you deny that, then you live under a rock, and/or up your own ass. you’re most certainly not a woman. I know plenty of

A man. They tend to be violent towards women.

Foldercolor gets confused easily, don’t worry

Until cheerleaders aren’t a thing, the league cuts the October pink shit and the whole letting domestic abusers off easy ends women will never be taken seriously by the NFL and it’s legions

It’s almost like men are violent and hate women! Before a thousand men cry nooooooo not all me, How the fuck are we supposed to know what kind of man you are?

The effects from edibles are vastly different from typical smoking. There needs to be a LOT more education. For one, they package these edibles like candy complete with cartoon illustrations. I’m all for getting stoned but there needs to be smarter regulations.

I’m guessing you’ve never had to worry about being sexual harassed or preyed upon by men or had fear walking alone solely bc of your gender. Your comment is completely unnecessary aND dismissive of very real issues.

In my experience that is categorically untrue. I’ve never had to convince a bro dude to see an action movie and there are many major action franchises that make millions upon millions of dollars. Some ppl lambast them tho, true just not the same way as in the general dismissive attitudes directed toward rom coms.

This news story is reflective of broader male attitudes and behavior that you perfectly represent in your asinine comment(thanks for further proving my point). Bubbie, I think you need to calm down. Stop being so emotional and getting all worked up. The men are going to be alright despite my “crucifixion”

Lol @ overreacting but Idk how to reply bc you make no sense. My comment was about male behavior. Nice username! is that you, nik richie?