To be honest you should expect heavier periods and not just for 3 to 6 months. in my case it was two years. That being said, I love my IUD it’s no hormones no anything. I don’t have to worry about anything at all! if I could write a love poem to any inanimate object it would be my IUD
Perfect response is perfect
Again, someone whos more upset at a generalization of men than the actual problems this story reflects. Why the “blindspot” ? Because I live in the world. I have eyes, ears, and a brain. This is male behavior indicative of a wildly sexist society. If what you take away from my post is hurt feelings I think it’s you…
Exactly! So many men on here are more outraged over a generalization of male behavior than they are about this awful crime and the victims
You are so condescending. Yikes! I don’t need to calm down and there’s no reason to apologize (you obviously can’t help it)
Huh? My op was to point out that this kind of behavior is male behavior reflecting broad male attitudes (ingrained deeply and perpetuated ubiquitously in our society ) of entitlement, predation, and anger toward women amd female bodies.
That was bizarre but I think that appropriate response is 5 minute time-outs for both involved
The worst of the worst
He’s a tortured soul. He just needs a cool chick who understands him.
Oh! Good. What a relief? How kind of them. You’re so right, not all men. What you fail to comprehend is that whenever a crime like this happens, it’s perpetrated by a male. (It’s not all about you and your feelings, bub)
Holy shit. This is so disturbing. It’s almost like men are entitled, predatory assholes. HOW DID HE NOT GET JAIL TIME FOR THIS?!?
You are spot on! I for one can’t stand action films or any trope-y bro dude joint. There is only widespread lambasting of romcoms bc they are directed toward female storylines and/or audiences. psshh w/e
This is a great analysis and proves that one can consume (and even enjoy) content while simultaneously being critical of it. We should all be doing it all the time! Shumer is problematic as are a good deal of celebrities, esp. white ones. This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be happy about a successful female comedian…
Just wait for the spinoffs. Jill just moved to a white savior camp in some 3rd world place, her and jessa are popping out babies already, at least 5 more are eligible for “courting”, and the so-called normal cousin just got engaged. Don’t celebrate too long these shitweasels are going no where.
I went to a wedding least weekend and late into the evening my so and I whipped out some bud at the outdoor patio. We got so many glares and looks of disapproval for smoking. Meanwhile the whole party is guzzling booze. I don’t get it. The excessive alcohol consumption totally fine but oh no the reefer is baaa@aad.
Cara and annie. I ship so hard. They are what dreams and Tumblr fantasies are made of!