
He's certainly not been Lucky as of late

Nah, the joy of Trump suddenly dying by falling down a lift-shaft would be eclipsed by the legions of Trump fans (many of whom are, I presume, 'truthers') claiming that he'd been done murdered by the gosh darn gubbermint.

European here, your country's thing with mass circumcision is fucking weird.

(Disclaimer: I've never actually paid someone to dominate me)

- Groom well beforehand and then dress well ("well" being sort-of subjective but, unless there's a rigid dress-code, basically something that you're both comfortable in and look "good" in, whatever that means for you)
- Project confidence and a sense of being at peace with yourself without wandering into arrogance

You dated Selma Bouvier?

Things are actually looking up for me this week on the personal life front, which is something of a novelty:
- I've got Tinder over the last week, which is making things interesting - although even as a woman-leaning bi guy I'm finding it significantly easier to get matches with guys than with women, but hey ho, it's

x = y
x = z
y =/= z

Not really. I'm far too young to have rose-tinted glasses about the OT, and "a lot of the prequel hatred is based in a childish wish for gritty brutality instead of old fashioned epics" sort of misses the point that the OT is not gritty brutality and yet is still one of the most-loved groups of films in the history of

I actually don't mind it being left until at least next year. The Doctor just not quite getting what's going on and losing as a result (even if for only a year) needs to be something that happens a bit more often.

Gatiss will never write a Dr Who episode as good as The League of Gentlemen, sadly.

Our continent is undergoing one of its periodic and massive spasms of xenophobia at the minute, so "concern for […] a happy, sustainable future" depends very much on where you are in Europe and who you're talking to.

Isn't the point of porn, according to dictionary definitions, to either shock or titillate?

"We burned this tight-arsed city to the ground in 1814 and I'm all for doing it again. Starting with you, you frat fuck"
"You know, I've come across a lot of psychos, but none as fucking boring as you. I mean, you are a real boring fuck. Sorry, I know that you disapprove of the swearing. You are an f, star, star, c**t."

*removed because of the joys of word-filters*

I believe it's "HEYULL", as pronounced when screamed by a televangelist.

I can confirm that they were not designed to hold seed.

Fucking, eh? How does one apply to this Pent-a-gon?

Most recently, he was working on writing and producing a film called Death House about a secret government facility where horrific things happen.

Right, I think we've quite clearly established that you're a) spectacularly uninformed about the left (calling it monolithic requires you knowing pretty much nothing about it), or else just genuinely stupid and b) a misogynist.