
I'm a Marxist. Tumblr isn't really my style.

so you don't see anything suspicious in the tweet, even though Schumer's routine up until relatively recently incorporated "I used to date Hispanic guys, but now I prefer consensual" and even though a decent chunk of her comedy is predicated on spouting racist jokes in the guise of """playing the dumb white girl"""

That's an extremely generous interpretation given her prior track record.

Amy Schumer has a long-standing habit of tweeting racist comments, and smugly defending her against people (including plenty of PoC) who were/are sceptical about her intentions in this instance is the absolute peak of white feminism.

Oh *no*, they've taken a horrible racist's house and put flags of the worse racists he helped fight on it

journalists misusing polsci/sociological terminology to make themselves seem more sophisticated never fails to be cringeworthy


As a white person, I would gently suggest that "What were white people up to in the 1920s [and 1930s] and what were other people up to?" is not really a road you want to start walking down, because it doesn't look particularly great for Europe and America.

> Iran c.480 BCE
> Muslim

Which is why I actually wholeheartedly loathe the Académie Française; hence my mentioning of it was more an illustration of the depths of despair to which American spelling drives me than an endorsement of it

Don't remind me about the fucking Normans.

"Sure, correct in the same way centre is the correct spelling of center."

I had a one-night stand recently, and I'm starting to think that asking her a variation of “Do you want to sit on my face?” is one of the key reasons she wants to be a two-night stand. Which is nice, because doing it is really quite enjoyable.


It should clearly be Ace of Spades by Motörhead.

There's also a small, vocal group of people who boycotted Star Wars VII for having women and black people doing interesting things and being people.

I never thought I'd see the day that my hometown ended up on the A.V. Club.

Was his New Year's Resolution never to say "But it's 2016!", ever, at any point this year?