
You're claiming that "the left" is some kind of monolith.

Your utter lack of comprehension of the left, and your snide comments about sex workers, don't actually make you correct.

He ultimately distracts the spiders by singing the entire libretto of the HMS Pinafore to them.

And now we've got "Sex workers are contemptible" to add to the cheery little list of "Ridiculous things you've said".

Pretty certain both "SJW"s and Lenin himself would disagree with that analysis.

Actually I deleted it, because I thought it was the sort of shite becoming of your lot once I'd posted it.

You're mocking her appearance

Nah, I think the guy who went out of his way to lie about her, spread her details, try and ruin her life etc. was trying to make a pretty big deal out of her

What they are not born with is a deep fat fried fat tire

And yet so gentle and tender.

"If you’re imagining Hugh Grant as a befuddled, grinning octopus right now, our work here is probably done."

I'd argue that it wasn't actually really outright sexist (given, as you've noted, the nude Cumberbatch), until the last 20 minutes of "oh she's irrational and in love because she's a woman don't worry Irene I'll save you from the bad men!!!", which was atrocious. Particularly given that she, IIRC, actually outwits him

Oh aye, thanks for reminding me of that.

But how on Earth are you meant to depict analingus over the radio?

Also wildly, wildly inconsistent quality within those general trends, if both Sherlock (see that weird vaguely racist episode about the triads) and Dr Who (solid fifth season, but that Viking episode was fucking dire and neither of the first two two-parters was well-concluded) are anything to go by.

Good, I've been having trouble sleeping recently.

*"I was pretty high that decade"

I'm 18.

I am currently at a point in my life where I'm successfully helping various people I know across the country with their problems (both romantic/sexual and more general), the price for which is that I'm letting my own fester - my own romantic life, or the parody of one that I've currently got going on, is a complete

Seriously, Other Guy's suggestion is genuinely pretty good advice. Take "self-care" and "self-love" really literally and, assuming you have a little bit of time for it, just relax, unwind, put all the shit in your day out of your head and just lose yourself in yourself for a bit.